[SESprint] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Wed Sep 2 15:59:41 EDT 2015

First.  I am hoping to register a team or teams from SECC (or maybe SECC 
and Friends) for the CW Open Contest this Saturday UTC date.  There are 
three separate four-hour sessions.  Friday evening, our time, 0000-0359Z 
Sat UTC date.  1200-1559Z Saturday morning our time.  2000-2359Z 
Saturday afternoon/evening our time.  CW.  160-10M.  Exchange: QSO# and 
Name.  Start numbers over with each session.  Mults for a session are 
the number of unique calls worked.

Teams are for two-ten members.  You don't need to be a member of a club 
or to reside within any particular geographical area to be on a team. 
So, if you are not committed to another team and can be QRV for CW Open 
this Saturday, please let me know right away.  Let me know how much you 
intend to operate and what power level you will be running.

There are  very nice awards available.  See the webpage for more 


John, K4BAI.

Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  NCCC NS CW Ladder, 8/28/15
W4OC    53  32  1,696  SO LP  0.5  SC  SO2R
K1GU    42  20  1,260  SO LP  0.5  TN  TCG
K4BAI    39  30  1,170  SO LP  0.5  GA  SECC

2. North American Sprint, SSB                   Team
N4OO    289  57  16,473  SO HP  4     GA  GCG   GCG#1  At K4JPD
K4BAI   284  58  16,472  SO HP  4     GA  SECC  SSC#1
W4OC    255  60  15,300  SO LP  4     SC  SECC  SSC#1  SO2R
NF4A    237  55  13,035  SO HP  4     FL  ACG
KU8E    229  56  12,824  SO HP  4     GA  SECC  SSC#1
N4OX    198  51  10,098  SO LP  4     FL  ACG   SSC#1
AD8J    200  50  10,000  SO HP  4     NC  SECC  SSC#1
N4IQ    195  51   9,945  SO HP  4     SC  SFCG  SSC#2
N2WF    134  44   5,896  SO LP  3.6   GA  GCG   GCG#1
N4PN    128  43   5,504  SO HP  2     GA  GCG   GCG#1
N4KH    107  47   5,029  SO LP  3     AL  ACG
AB4B    104  45   4,680  SO LP  2.5   AL  ACG
KT4ZB   104  41   4,264  SO LP  3.5   GA  SECC  SSC#2
N9DFD    84  37   3,108  SO LP  2:01  GA
K0EJ     50  25   1,250  SO LP  1.25  TN  TCG
WN4AFP   50  21   1,050  SO LP  2.25  SC  SFCG  SSC#2
W4XO     20  15     300  SO LP  0.6   GA  GCG
W4BW     26  11     286  SO LP  0.5   GA  GCG
KB9WHV   22  12     264  SO LP  1.5   SC  SFCG  SSC#2
W4RWL    10  10     100  SO LP  ____  SC
W1TEF     2   2       4  SO QRP 0.25  SC  SFCG  SSC#2  (Lost Power)

3.  YO (Romania) DX HF Contest
Call   CWQ  PhQ  Mul
K4BAI   15    2   14  910  SO AB Mix HP  1:32  GA  SECC

4.  Kansas QSO Party
Call     CWQ  PhQ  Mul
N4PN     294  226  106  117,342  SO HP   17     GA  GCG
W1TEF/4   54   34   76   13,068  SO QRP   8     SC  SFCG  At W4DFG
K4BAI     13    5   12      688  SO HP    0:38  GA  SECC
WN4AFP    13    4   11      517  SO LP    1.5   SC  SFCG
KK4BNC    10    0    ?        ?  SO LP    ____  GA

5.  Slovenian Contest Club (SCC) RTTY Championship
W4DXX  144  89  30,883  SO AB HP  3    GA  GCG
NJ4F    40  45   5,670  SO AB HP  1.5  SC  SFCG

6.  Phone Fray, 9/1/15
K4BAI   47  30  1,410  SO LP  0.5  GA  SECC
AD8J    40  29  1,160  SO LP  0.5  NC  SECC
KT4ZB   29  15    435  SO LP  0.5  GA  SECC
WN4AFP  14  10    140  SO LP  0.5  SC  SECC
K4DLE    8   8      5  SO LP  0.5  SC  SFCG

7.  CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 9/2/15, 1300Z
K1GU    106  84  8,904  SO HP  1.0  TN  TCG
K4BAI   108  82  8,856  SO HP  1.0  GA  SECC
AD8J     98  82  8,036  SO HP  1.0  NC  SECC
NN4K     50  40  2,000  SO LP  1.0  GA  SECC
K4JAZ    44  38  1,672  SO LP  1.0  AL  SECC

This Week's Contests:

1.  CWOps Club CWT Mini Tests.  Every Wednesday.  Three separate 
one-hour mini tests.  1300Z, 1900Z, 0300Z (Thursday UTC date).  160-10M 
CW.  Exchange:  Name + CWOps# or SPC.  Look around 028 to 040 kHz on 
each band plus up from 1815 kHz.

2.  QRP Fox Hunt.  Last week of the summer series.  Two QRP CW Foxes 
will be hiding between 14050 and 14070 kHz.  0200-0330Z Friday (Thursday 
night local).  The foxes this week are WX2S, STEVE, NJ and N0UR, JIM, 
WI.  Jim lives in MN but will be visiting in WI this week.  Exchange: 
RST, SPC, Name, Power.  Work only the two foxes.  5W maximum power.  Do 
not spot the frequencies of the foxes.

3.  NCCC RTTY Sprint Practice.  0145-0215Z Friday (Thursday night local 
date).  100W maximum power.  1/1 kHz QSY rule.  15, 20, 40, 80, 160 M 
RTTY.  Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.  Look around 080 kHz on each 
band plus up from 1805 kHz.  Same band dupes OK after one intervening 
QSO.  A new "ladder series" starts this week.

4.  NCCC CW Sprint Practice (NS).  0230-0259Z Friday (Thursday night 
local date).  100W maximum power.  1/1 kHz QSY rule.  15, 20, 40, 80, 
160M CW.  Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.  Look around 040 kHz on 
each band plus up from 1815 kHz.  No same band dupes permitted.

5.  FISTS CW Club G3ZQS Memorial Straight Key Contest.  2300Z Friday to 
2300Z Sunday.  80-10M CW.  Use a straight key.  Exchange:  RST, SPC, 
Name, FISTS# or power.  Call "CQ FS."  I can't find a power limit in the 
rules, but other FISTS contests are usually limited to 100W.

6.  CWOps Club CW Open.  Sat. 0000-0359Z; 1200-1559Z; 2000-2359Z. 
160-10M CW.  Exchange:  Serial # + Name.  Team competition of up to 10 
members.  E-mail K4BAI for a SECC team.  I think N4PN may be registering 
a GCG team or teams.

7.  All Asia DX Contest, Phone.  48 hours of weekend.  80-10M SSB . 
Exchange:  RS + 2 digit age (or "00" for YLs).

8.  Russian World Wide RTTY Contest.  24 hours of Saturday UTC.  80-10M 
RTTY.  Exchange:  RST + CQ Zone or 2 letter oblast.

9.  Colorado QSO Party.  1300Z Sat to 0400Z Sun.  160-UHF CW, Phone, 
Digital.  Exchange:  Name + SPC or Colorado County Abbreviation.

10.  IARU Region One and RSGB Field Day.  1300Z to 1259Z Sun.  160-10m 
SSB.  (RSGB is 80-10M).  Exchange:  RS + serial #.

11.  PODXS 070 Club Jay Hudak Memorial 80M Sprint.  2000Z Sat to 2000Z 
Sun.  80M PSK31.  Exchange:  RST + SPC.  6 hours maximum operation.

12.  DARC 10-Meter Digital Contest.  1100-1700Z Sunday.  10M RTTY, 
AMTOR, Clover, PSK31, PACTOR.  Exchange:  RST + Serial #.

13.  Tennessee QSO Party.  1800Z Sun to 0300Z Mon.  160-UHF.  CW, Ph, 
Dig.  Exchange:  RS(T) + SPC or TN county.  There is a club aggregate 
score competition, so be sure to put your club name in the Cabrillo 
header of your log.  SECC members spell it out:  "SOUTH EAST CONTEST CLUB."

14.  Michigan QRP Club Labor Day Sprint.  2300Z Monday (Labor Day) to 
0300Z Tues.  160-6M CW.  Exchange:  RST + SPC + MiQRP # or power.

15.  Adventure Radio Society Spartan Sprint.  0100-0300Z Tuesday (Monday 
night local date).  80-10M CW.  Exchange:  RST, SPC, Power.

Yes these two will run at the same time during the last two hours of the 
MiQRP Test.  I usually operate the whole four hours and break the logs 
into separate Cabrillo files to submit to the sponsors.  The only 
downside to it is that some of the QSOs you make in the first two hours 
may refuse to work you again in the last two hours.  If they will, they 
will count for the Spartan Sprint and show as a dupe for the MiQRP Sprint.

16.  Phone Fray.  Every Tuesday night.  0230-0259Z (Wednesday UTC date). 
  15, 20, 40, 80, 160M SSB.  100W maximum power.  Exchange:  Name + SPC. 
  No QSY rule.

17.  CWOps Club CWTs every Wednesday.  See #1 above.

Hope everyone has a very good week and weekend with a lot of QSOs.

73, John, K4BAI.

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