[SESprint] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Wed Sep 9 16:55:33 EDT 2015

NOTE:  Looking for members for a Southeast Sprint Coalition team for NA 
Sprint CW Saturday night. Who will join N4OX?  I know most of us don't 
like to commit much ahead of time, but now is the time.  Let me know 
ASAP.  Thanks.  73, John, K4BAI.

Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 9/2/15, 1900Z
K1GU    99  84  8,310  SO HP  1.0  TN  TCG
AD8J    74  71  5,254  SO HP  1.0  NC  SECC
K4HR    34  33  1,122  SO HP  ___  SC
K4JAZ   31  20    900  SO LP  1.0  AL  SECC
NN4K    24  24    576  SO LP  1.0  GA  SECC

2.CWOps CLub CWT Mini Test, 9/3/15, 0300Z
K1GU   115  83  9,545  SO HP  1.0  TN  TCG
K4BAI  111  83  9,213  SO HP  1.0  GA  SECC
AD8J   102  81  8,262  SO HP  1.0  NC  SECC
K4HR    37  31  1,147  SO HP  1.0  SC
NN4K    33  29    957  SO LP  1.0  GA  SECC
AA4GA   24  20    480  SOQRP  ___  GA  SECC
WA8HSB  20  20    400  SOQRP  0.6  AL  ACG

3.  NCCC NS Sprint Practice, 9/4/15
K4BAI   49  39  1,911  SO LP  0.5  GA  SECC

4.  CW Open #1  (0000-0359Z)                     Team
N5ZO    379  226  85,654  SO HP  4.0   CA  SCCC  SECC  SO2R
K4BAI   326  204  66,504  SO HP  4.0   GA  SECC  SECC
WJ9B    317  202  63,832  SO HP  4.0   ID  PVRC  SECC  SO2R
AD8J    270  195  52,650  SO HP  4.0   NC  SECC  SECC
N4PN    274  182  49,868  SO HP  4.0   GA  SECC  SECC
KU8E    250  162  40,500  SO HP  3:35  GA  SECC  SECC  SO2R
N4OX    224  158  35,392  SO LP  4.0   FL  ACG   SECC
N4FP    192  133  25,536  SO HP  4.0   FL  FCG   SECC
W4BQF   170  144  24,480  SO HP  2.0   GA
K1GU    164  135  22,140  SOQRP  4.0   TN  TCG
NF4A    150  129  19,350  SO HP  1.9   FL  ACG
NN4K    145  113  16,350  SO HP  3:59  GA  SECC  SECC
N4OO    120  107  12,840  SO LP  2:10  GA  GCG
AA4CF   128   99  12,672  SO HP  2.0   GA  SECC  SECC
AA4GA    92   73   6,716  SOQRP  3.0   GA  SECC  QRP
WN4AFP   83   76   6,308  SO LP  2.5   SC  SFCG
WA8HSB   70   67   4,690  SOQRP  4.0   GA  ACG   QRP
N4DU     35   33   1,155  SO LP  0:51  GA  SECC
W4QO     27   25     675  SOQRP  2     GA  SECC  QRP

Team Score:
SECC:  448,958

5.  CW Open #2  (1200-1559Z)
N5ZO    365  220  80,300  SO HP   4.0   CA  SCCC  SECC  SO2R
K4BAI   303  211  63,933  SO HP   4.0   GA  SECC  SECC
WJ9B    297  199  58,904  SO HP   4.0   ID  PVRC  SECC  SO2R
N4PN    265  197  52,205  SO HP   4.0   GA  SECC  SECC
AA4CF   231  163  38,653  SO HP   4.0   GA  SECC  SECC
AD8J    210  172  36,120  SO HP   4.0   NC  SECC  SECC
N4OX    202  158  31,916  SO LP   4.0   FL  ACG   SECC
W4BQF   199  158  31,442  SO HP   2.5   GA
N4FP    182  136  24,752  SO HP   4.0   FL  FCG   SECC
K1GU    171   34  22,914  SO QRP  4.0   TN  TCG
NN4K    147  124  18,228  SO HP   4.0   GA  SECC  SECC
W4QO    101   86   8,686  SO QRP  3.0   GA  SECC  QRP
AA4GA    87   78   6,786  SO QRP  3.5   GA  SECC  QRP
N4GG     85   77   6,622  SO HP   1.0   GA  SECC
N4OO     65   58   3,770  SO LP   0:58  GA  GCG
WA8HSB   50   46   2,300  SO QRP  2.0   GA  ACG   QRP
KU8E     40   40   1,600  SO HP   0:20  GA  SECC  SECC  Ant Sw Failed

Team Score:
SECC:  405,611

6.  CW Open #3  (2000-2350Z)
WJ9B    335  238  79,730  SO HP  4.0   ID  PVRC  SECC  SO2R
K4BAI   346  225  77,850  SO HP  4.0   GA  SECC  SECC
N5ZO    348  222  77,256  SO HP  4.0   CA  SCCC  SECC  SO2R
N4PN    294  195  57,330  SO HP  4.0   GA  SECC  SECC
AA4CF   286  192  54.012  SO HP  4.0   GA  SECC  SECC
AD8J    251  189  47,439  SO HP  4.0   NC  SECC  SECC
N4FP    238  186  44,268  SO HP  4.0   FL  FCG   SECC
NF4A    224  167  37,408  SO HP  3.9   FL  ACG
K1GU    183  130  23,790  SO QRP 4.0   TN  TCG
N4OO    170  125  21,250  SO LP  3:50  GA  GCG
NN4K    154  118  18,172  SO HP  3.5   GA  SECC  SECC
N4OX    150  115  17,250  SO LP  2.5   FL  ACG   SECC  Lightning
W4QO    140  110  15,400  SOQRP  3.5   GA  SECC  QRP
AA4GA   127  103  13,081  SOQRP  4.0   GA  SECC  QRP
WN4AFP   70   70   4,900  SO LP  1.5   SC  SFCG
KB4KBS   63   62   3,906  SOQRP  4.0   GA  GCG   QRP
N4DU     68   42   2,856  SO LP  1.0   GA  SECC
KU8E     39   39   1,512  SO HP  0:34  GA  SECC  SECC
WA8HSB   25   25     625  SOQRP  0.6   AL  ACG   QRP

Team Score:
SECC:  475,728

7.  Colorado QSO Party
Call    CWQ  PhQ  CWM  PhM  Score
WN4AFP    6    0    5    0    120  SO CW LP  0.5  SC  SFCG
WA8HSB    1    0    1    0      1  SOCW QRP  0.1  AL  ACG

8.  Tennessee QSO Party
Call     CWQ  PhQ  Mul
W4NZ/M  1003    0  126  390,556  MO Mob CW LP  9.0   TN  TCG  23 ctys
                                            Ops:  K4VIG, K4BP, W4NZ
K3IE     285  153  172  226,208  SO Mix  LP    8.0   TN  TCG
K4ZGB/M  457    0  102  139,842  SO Mob CW LP  9.0   TN  ACG
N4PN     138   45 ~113   62,237  SO Mix HP     7.0   GA  GCG
K4BAI     84   34   71   25,334  SO Mix HP     4:18  GA  SECC
WN4AFP    71   19   66   17,820  SO Mix LP     3.5   SC  SFCG
KU8E      73   11   68   16,488  SO Mix HP     2:42  GA  SECC
K4HAL     76    0   63   14,464  SO CW HP      ____  AL  ACG
AD8J      48   28   40    8,200  SO Mix HP     3:14  NC  SECC
N4TOL     36   11   37    5,217  SO Mix LP     ____  GA  SECC
W1TEF/4   22    4   23    1,794  SO Mix QRP    1.75  SC  SFCG  At W4DFG

9.  All Asia DX Contest, SSB
K4AB  110  80  8,800  SO AB  HP  7.0  AL  ACG

10.  Michigan QRP Club Labor Day Sprint
K4BAI  68  43  6,235  SO QRP  3:53  GA  SECC

11.  September Adventure Radio Society Spartan Sprint
K4BAI  43         43  SO QRP 15#+ (Tubby)  2.0  GA  SECC
N4SX   30         30  SO QRP 15#+ (Tubby)  2.0  GA

12.  Phone Fray, 9/9/15
K4BAI  47  32  1,504  SO LP  0.5  GA  SECC
KT4ZB  27  22    594  SO LP  0.5  GA  SSECC
KC4HW  27  22    594  SO LP  0.5  AL  ACG
W4ANT  24  17    408  SO LP  0.5  SC  SFCG
AD8J   21  18    378  SO LP  0.5  NC  SECC

13.  CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 9/9/15, 0300Z
K4BAI  78  68  5,304  SO HP  1.0   GA  SECC
AD8J   77  68  5,236  SO HP  1.0   NC  SECC
K1GU   50  50  2,500  SO HP  0.4   TN  TCG
NN4K   33  33  1,089  SO HP  1.0   GA  SECC
KI4MZC 20  20    400  SOQRP  1.0   GA
KR4AE  15  15    225  SOQRP  0.75  GA  SECC

14:  CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 9/9/15, 1900Z
K1GU    95  75  7,125  SO HP  1.0  TN  TCG
AD8J    71  63  4,473  SO HP  1.0  NC  SECC
NN4K    34  34  1,156  SO HP  1.0  GA  SECC
K4JAZ   30  30    990  SO LP  1.0  AL  ACG
K4HR    26  23    598  SO HP  0.7  SC
KI4MZC  17  17    289  SOQRP  1.0  GA

This Week's Contests:

1.  CWOps Club CWT Mini Tests. Every Wednesday.  Three separate one-hour 
mini-tests.  1300Z, 1900Z, 0300Z (Thursday UTC).  160-10M CW.  Exchange: 
  Name + CWOps# or SPC.  Look around 026-042 kHz on each band and up 
from 1815 kHz.

2.  NCCC RTTY Ladder Series.  0145-0215Z Friday (Thursday night local 
day).  15, 20, 40, 80, 160M RTTY.  100W maximum power.  One/one kHz QSY 
rule.  Exchange:  Both calls, #, name, SPC.  Look around 080 kHz on each 
band plus up from 1805 kHz.  Same band dupes permitted after one 
intervening QSO.

3.  NCCC NS Sprint CW Practice.  0230-0259Z Friday (Thursday night local 
day).  15, 20, 40, 80, 160M CW.  100W maximum power.  One/one kHz QSY 
rule.  Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.  Look around 040 kHz on each 
band plus up from 1815 kHz.  No same band dupes permitted for score credit.

4.  FOC QSO Party, sometimes called the "Bill Windle QSO Party" or 
"BWQP."  This takes place twice a year and is open to all hams as 
opposed to the FOC Marathons in February, which are for members only. 
This is a good time to get your call known if you'd like to be 
considered for an invitation to membership to FOC in the future. 
Saturday 24 hours of the UTC day.  160-VHF CW.  Exchange:  RST + Name + 
FOC# if you have one.  (Just a word of warning.  If you want an 
invitation to membership, just be QRV and work FOC members, but it is 
grounds for a six month disqualification if you ask someone to sponsor you.)

5.  World All Europe DX Contest, SSB.  48 hours of Sat and Sun UTC.  36 
hours maximum for single ops.  80-10M SSB.  Exchange:  RS + serial #. 
You may earn additional points by sending QTCs, consisting of the time 
call and serial # received from other Eu stations.  Up to 10 QTC may be 
sent to an European station.  You may not send the same QTC to more than 
one European station.  You may participate and make QSOs and not send 
QTCs if you don't want to.  There is a club aggregate score competition 
so be sure to put your club's name in the Cabrillo header.  For SECC. 
Spell it out:  "South East Contest Club."  This is a qualifier for WTRC 
2018 in Germany, so I'd expect a lot of activity.

6.  Kulikovo Polye Contest.  24 hours of Saturday UTC.  20M CW only. 
Exchange:  RST + Serial # or "KP" if you are from that area.

7.  South African Relay League (SARL) Field Day.  10Z Sat to 10Z Sun. 
160-10M CW, SSB, Digital.  Exchange:  RS(T) + # of transmitters + 
Category + ZS Province abbreviation or "DX."  So, a home station in the 
USA would send RS(T) 1F DX.

8.  Straight Key Century Club Weekend Sprintathon. 1200Z Sat to 2400Z 
Sun.  Use mechanical key only.  160-6M CW.  Exchange: RST + SPC + Name + 
SKCC# or "NONE."    Use letter from the calls of stations in the log to 
spell out certain football team mascot names for 100 bonus points per 
name.  If a name has two words in it, you get 50 bonus points if you can 
spell out only one of the two names.  Of course, you can't use the same 
letter in a call more than once to spell out the various names.
SEMINOLES.  You can get a SKCC# free from their website.

9.  Arkansas QSO Party.  1400Z Sat to 0200Z Sun.  80-2M CW, Ph, Dig. 
Exchange:  RS(T) + S/P/DX or AR County.  200 bonus points for each non 
duplicate QSO with K5NE and AA5AR.

10.  Ohio State Parks on the Air.  1600Z to 2400Z Sat.  80-10M SSB. 
Exchange:  S/P/DX or Ohio Park Abbreviations.  Non park stations in Ohio 
will send their state: OH.

11.  ARRL September VHF Contest.  1800Z Sat to 0300Z Sun.  50 mHz and 
up.  Exchange:  4 character grid square (for example FM72).

12.  NCJ North American Sprint. CW.  20, 40, 80M CW.  Exchange:  Both 
calls, #, name, SOC,  One to Five kHz QSY rule.  THERE IS A TEAM 
away if you want to be on a team for this fun event.

13.  Phone Fray. Every Tuesday night local date.  0230-0250Z Friday UTC. 
  15, 20, 40, 80, 160M SSB.  100W maximum power.  No QSY rule. Exchange: 
  Name + SPC.

14.  North American QRP CW Club Contest.  0030Z to 0230Z Thursday of 
next week (Wed night local date next week).  20, 40, 80M CW. 5W maximum 
power.  Exchange:  RST + SPC + NAQCC# or power.  Double your score for 
using a hand key and 1 1/2 times your score for using a bug.  Lot of 
fun.  You can get a NAQCC # free via the NAQCC website.

15.  20M QRP Fox Extravaganza.  Thursday of next week (Friday UTC date). 
  0100-0230Z.  All of the summer season's foxes should be QRV to give 
out pelts to deserving hounds between 14050 and 14070 kHz.  Exchange is 
RST, SPC, Name, Power.  Run no more than 5 watts and do not spot the 
foxes' frequencies.

Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend.  73, John, K4BAI.

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