[SESprint] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests
John Laney
k4bai at att.net
Wed Feb 1 14:52:23 EST 2017
Late received score:
ARRL January VHF Contest
W4NH 161 63 12,285 MOHP _____ GA Ops: KRSQC, N4NIA, W4ZST,
Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
1. NCCC NS Ladder, 1/27/17
K1GU 46 30 1,380 SO LP 0.5 TN TCG
K4BAI 42 30 1,302 SO LP 0.5 GA SECC
W4NZ 29 22 638 SO LP 0:20 TN TCG
WH6YH 22 15 330 SO LP 0:30 GA SECC
2. REF (France) Contest, CW
K4BAI 86 73 18,104 SO AB HP 2:58 GA SECC
3. BARTG RTTY Sprint
Call QSO Mul Con Score
K4HMB 162 49 5 39,690 SO HP 5 NC SECC
WN4AFP 103 43 4 17,716 SOExpLP ___ SC SFCG
W4NBS 92 23 3 6,348 SO LP 3.8 AL ACG
4. UBA (Belgium) Contest, SSB
K4VBM 1 2 20 SO SB/20 LP ____ GA GCG
K4BAI 1 0 0 SO SB20 HP 0:01 GA SECC
5. Montana QSO Party
Call CWQ PhQ DigQ CWM PhM DigM Score
K4BAI 3 1 0 2 1 0 21 0:31 GA SECC
K4VBM 0 2 0 0 2 0 4 ____ GA GCG
6. CQ 160 Meter Contest, CW
Call QSO S/P DX Score
NQ4I 1329 59 62 529,617 SO HP 30 GA SECC SO2R By VE7ZO
AA4V 1210 58 59 479,700 MO HP 28 SC CDXA Ops: AA4V, N4SF
N4PN 1025 59 42 294,516 SO(A)HP 18.5 GA GCG
N4RJ 534 54 55 249,719 SO(A)HP 15 GA GCG
K0EJ 931 56 36 231,380 SO HP 14 TN TCG
KU8E 800 57 39 208,416 SO HP 19 GA SECC
K4BAI 763 55 32 179,046 SO HP 19:48 GA SECC
W4GE 647 56 37 170,376 SO(A)HP 20 SC
N4KG 343 57 45 138,108 SO(A)HP 9.5 AL ACG
W5JR 584 52 31 133,630 SO HP 14.5 GA GCG
K4IQJ 360 54 40 127,370 SO(A)HP 12 AL ACG
K4WI 654 53 23 121,448 SO LP 14 AL ACG
KR4F 430 54 33 105,792 SO(A)HP 10:52 AL ACG
N4IQ 526 56 20 101,460 SO(A)HP 12.5 SC SFCG
K3IE 523 55 18 95,484 SO LP 9 TN TCG
KG4IGC 192 40 7 88,889 SO(A)LP 10:19 SC SFCG
WA1FCN 528 49 18 84,554 SO LP 13 AL ACG
K1GU 430 51 17 77,112 SO HP 6.7 TN TCG
AB4B 200 54 41 72,010 SO(A)LP 8.5 AL ACG
K4HR 302 52 23 63,750 SO HP 13.3 SC SECC
K2SX 325 48 15 51,345 SO(A)HP 4.5 SC SECC
AA4NU 305 52 13 50,245 SO LP _____ TN TCG
NJ4F 328 51 11 50,158 SO HP 11:09 SC SFCG
K7OM 304 48 12 46,620 SO HP 11:40 SC SFCG
N4ZZ 400 46 4 45,400 SO LP 3 TN ACG
KC4TEO 312 49 9 42,804 SO LP 7:45 AL ACG
KM4F 284 47 12 41,949 SO LP 8 GA SECC
N4AX 257 62 13 40,672 SO QRP _____ AL ACG At WA4TL
AA4GA 270 47 9 35,896 SO QRP 9:12 GA SECC
AD8J 278 41 11 34,528 SO HP 2:50 NC SECC
KG4CUY 213 43 5 23,760 SO HP 5.5 AL ACG
AA4LR 151 41 8 18,865 SO LP 3.5 GA SECC
AG4W 44 3 37 14,760 SO(A)HP 7 AL ACG
NN4K 119 36 4 11,280 SO(A)HP ____ GA SECC
W2GDJ 136 32 1 10,065 SO LP 5.5 NC SECC
W4QO 100 36 4 9,040 SO QRP 2.5 GA SECC
K4ZGB 127 30 1 8,401 SO LP 2:50 AL ACG
N9DFD 82 32 4 6,562 SO LP 3.0 GA GCG
ND4K 60 28 2 3,836 SO LP _____ GA GCG
W4NZ 51 27 2 3,654 SO HP 1 TN TCG
AI4UN 32 20 2 1,650 SO LP 1 GA GCG
N4SDB 23 20 3 900 SO LP 2 AL ACG
7. Phone Fray, 2/1/17
KT4ZB 27 19 513 SO LP 0.5 GA SECC
N5GNA 11 9 99 SO LP 0.5 GA SECC
8. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 2/1/17, 1300z
K1GU 132 113 14,916 SO HP 1.0 TN TCG
N4ZZ 127 100 12,700 SO LP 1.0 TN ACG SO2R
K4BAI 111 89 9,879 SO HP 1.0 GA SECC
N4IQ 97 92 8,924 SO HP 1.0 SC SFCG
N5TOO 44 44 1,936 SO LP 1.0 GA GCG
K4HR 43 43 1,849 SO HP 0:50 SC SECC
KT4XN 32 32 1,024 SO LP 1.0 FL
NN4K 32 31 992 SO HP 0.7 GA SECC
N4DT 31 31 971 SO QRP 1.0 SC
KC4HW 27 25 675 SO HP <1 AL ACG
This Week's Contests:
1. CWOps Club CWT Mini Tests. Every Wednesday. Three separate one hour
mini tests. 1300Z, 1900Z, and 0300Z (Thursday UTC date). 160-10M CW.
Exchange: Name + CWOps # or SPC. Look around 028 to 045 kHz plus 1815
to 1830 on 160M.
2. NCCC RTTY Sprint. Thursdays local date. 0145-0215Z Fridays. 15,
20, 40, 80, 160M RTTY. 100W maximum power. One/one kHz QSY rule.
Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. Look around 080 kHz plus up from
1805 kHz on 160M. Same band dupes OK after one intervening QSO.
3. QRP Fox Hunt. Thursday night local date. 0200-0330Z Friday. 80
Meters. Two QRP Foxes will be hiding between 3550 and 3570 kHz. 5W
maximum power. Work only the two foxes and do not spot the foxes'
frequencies. Exchange: RST, SPC, Name, Power. Foxes this Thursday are
scheduled to be AC7A, TOM, AZ and AB9CA, DAVE, AL (an SECC member).
4. NCCC NS Ladder. Thursday night local date. 0230-0259Z Friday. 15,
20, 40, 80, 160M CW. Maximum power 100W. One/one kHz QSY rule.
Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. Look around 040 kHz and 1815 to
1830 KHz on 160M. No same band dupes permitted.
5. YLRL YL-OM Contest. 1400Z Friday to 0200Z Sunday. All contest
bands. CW/Dig, SSB. 24 hours maximum operating time. Exchange: QSO #
+ SPC. There is a power multiplier.
6. First Class Operators Club (FOC) Marathon. This is a closed contest
(open only to members of FOC), but I mention it so you will know what is
going on if you hear a bunch of hams sending "CQ FOC." 2200Z Friday to
2200Z Sunday. Exchange: RST + FOC#. There are bonus points for
working other stations on five or six bands, so there is a lot of QSYing
going on. Members will be centered around 025 kHz on each band.
7. Vermont QSO Party. 0000Z Sat to 2400Z Sun. 160M to UHF. All
modes. Exchange: RS(T) + S/P or VT county.
8. Triathelon DX Contest. 0000Z to 0759Z Sat on CW. 0800-1559Z Sat on
SSB. 1600 to 2359Z Sat on RTTY. 80-10M CW, SSB, RTTY. Exchange: RS(T)
+ serial #.
9. 10-10 Club International Winter Contest, SSB. 0001Z Sat to 2359Z
Sun. 10M Phone. Exchange: Name + 10-10 # (or "0") + SPC.
10. Black Sea Cup International Contest. 1200Z Sat to 1159Z Sun.
160-10M CW, SSB. Exchange: RS9T) + ITU Zone or "BS" + BSC Club # or HQ
or Club station abbreviation.
11. F9AA Cup. 1200Z Sat to 1200Z Sun. 80-10 + 2M CW. Exchange: RST
+ werial #.
12. Minnesota QSO Party. 1400Z Sat to 2400Z Sat. 160-10M CW
(includes, CW, RTTY, PSK), Phone (FM or SSB). Exchange: Name + S/P or
MN county.
13. FYBO Winter QRP Sprint. 1400-2400Z Sat. 160-10M CW, SSB, Dig. 5W
maximum power. Exchange: RS(T) + SPC + Name + power + tempterature (F).
14. British Columbia QSO Party. 1600Z Sat to 0400Z Sun. 160-10M. CW,
SSB, Dig. Exchange: RS(T _ S/P/DX or BC District.
15. FISTS Winter Slow Speed Sprint. 1700-2400Z Sat. 80-10M CW. 100W
maximum power. Exchange: RST + SPC + Name + FISTS# or power. Maximum
speed is 13 WPM.
16. Mexico International RTTY Contest. 1800Z Sat to 1759Z Sun. 80-10M
RTTY. Exchange: RST + QSO # or Mexican state.
17. NCJ North American Sprint Contest, CW. 0000-0400Z Sunday. (7 to
11 PM EST Saturday). 20, 40, 80M CW. Exchange: both calls + serial #
+ name + SPC. There will likely be RTTY QRM to much of the CW band on
40, so be prepared to moved lower in the band if needed. 1/5 kHz QSY
rule. There are team competitions. KU8E, Jeff, will be registering
teams for the umbrella name South East Sprint Coalition. Please e-mail
Jeff at ku8ejeff at mediacombb.net if you can participate. Let him know if
you will be part time or full time and what power level you will be
using. This is considered by many to be the most fun in CW contesting.
There will be a lot of activity. The QSY rules keeps a station from
hogging a frequency. Mults count per contest, not per band. HI and DC
are mults. Newfoundland and Labrador count together as the "NL"
multiplier. The rest of the Canadian provinces and territories count
separately as multipliers. All NA countries outside USA and Canada are
multipliers. Logs are due by Feb 12.
18. Adventure Radio Society February Spartan Sprint. 0200-0400Z
Tuesday (Monday night local date 9 to 11 PM EST). 80-10M CW. 5W
maximum power. Exchange: RST + SPC + Power.
19. Phone Fray. Every Tuesday local date. 0230-0259Z Wed. 15, 20, 40,
80, 160M SSB. 100W maximum power. Exchange: Name + SPC. Mults count
per band. Look around 21325, 14250, 7175, 3800, and 1860 kHz.
20. 40M QRP Fox Hunt. Just like 80M on Thursday nights (see #3 above)
except the frequencies are 7030 to 7050 kHz and the foxes will be K0DTJ,
Brian, CA and N2RJ, Ria, NJ.
21. CWOps Club CWT Mini Tests. Every Wednesday local date. See #1 above.
Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend and a lot of QSOs. 73, John,
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