[SESprint] Team Members Needed for NA SSB Contest this Saturday Night

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Thu Apr 5 16:07:27 EDT 2018

Hell all:  I am putting together a team or teams for Saturday night's 
SSB Sprint Contest.  It runs 8 PM to midnight Eastern time  Saturday 
night local date (0000-0359Z Sunday).  It is only on 20, 40, and 80M 
SSB.  Exchange is both calls, #, name, SPC.  Teams of two to five 
members can be pre registered.  So far, I have three:  K4BAI, KU8E, and 
N4EEV.  I hope we can get at least two more to fill out one team. Please 
let me know ASAP if you can participate.  It would be very nice to have 
at least one station from AL and one from SC to be QRV to give out those 
rare multipliers.  Rules and details can be obtained from the WA7BNM 
Contest Calendar among other places.

Because of the 5/1 kHz QSY rule, this sprint cannot have one strong 
station sitting and running on a frequency.  After one QSO that results 
from solicitation (CQ or QRZ), the station must QSY one kHz to call 
another station and 5 kHz to call CQ again.  This will keep us on our 
toes and we will all have to both CQ and S&P for QSOs.  If you will give 
the information in this order, those listening will know who will keep 
the frequency:

You have sent CQ or QRZ and gotten an answer:  W6OAT K4BAI #1 JOHN GA. 
You have answered someone else's call for a QSO: W6OAT #1 JOHN GA K4BAI.
So, the station sending his call at the end of the exchange will stay on 
the frequency and answer callers if there are any or CQ on the 
frequency.  Of course, if you get no answers, you will move to find 
another CQing station to to call CQ yourself.

Thanks and 73, John, K4BAI.

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