[SESprint] Registration of SECC teams SECC#1 and SECC#2 for NAQP CW Tomorrow
John Laney
k4bai at att.net
Fri Aug 3 17:05:35 EDT 2018
Thanks for registering your NAQP CW team.
Team Name: SECC#1
Team Members:
Registration recorded at: 2018-08-03 20:36:04Z
Your team registration info has been saved to the NCJ team database. If
you wish to update your team membership, please use the team
registration form to resubmit your team members. Please be sure to use
exactly the same team name, unless you are purposely wanting to change
the name.
You can easily update your team registration by clicking on the
following link:
73 de Chris Hurlbut, KL9A (cwnaqpmgr at ncjweb.com)
Thanks for registering your NAQP CW team.
Team Name: SECC#2
Team Members:
Registration recorded at: 2018-08-03 20:37:38Z
Your team registration info has been saved to the NCJ team database. If
you wish to update your team membership, please use the team
registration form to resubmit your team members. Please be sure to use
exactly the same team name, unless you are purposely wanting to change
the name.
You can easily update your team registration by clicking on the
following link:
73 de Chris Hurlbut, KL9A (cwnaqpmgr at ncjweb.com)
What follows is some more or less random thoughts about operating in
NAQP CW. Remember the power limit is 100W and you must use the call as
registered (shown above). Others are encouraged to operate as much as
possible even though not on a team. The more stations that are active,
the more fun for all.
The contest runs from 1800Z (2 PM EDT) until 0559Z (1:59 AM Sunday).
Single op stations may operate only 10 hours of the 12. If you are
going to be close to the limit, be sure to count your off times
correctly. If you take a break at 0000Z, your next contact cannot be at
0030Z. It must be at 0031Z, or it will not count as an off period and
you may run nearly a half hour over your limit. No harm in doing that
if you want to, but only the first 10 hours will count, determining
operating time as indicated above.
Exchange is Name + State, such as JOHN GA. The same for any North
American station with the location being state, Canadian area, or North
American country. I believe KH6 counts as a multiplier in this contest
even though it is not in North America.
You will want to be on the high bands during the day and on the low
bands at night, generally. I usually start out (if the band is open at
all) on ten meters. When I have worked out whoever is on 10, I will go
to 15 and do the same thing. If I run out of stations on 10 and 15, I
will try to run on 20M. I try to check the bands for stations and
multipliers approximately this way: 10M on the hour. 15M onthe half
hour. 20M whenever possible between half hour checks. When it seems
that 10M is dead, I will do 20M on the hour and 15 on the half hour as
long as those two bands are open. Eventually, I will substitute 40M for
15M and 80M for 20M as night time comes on. And then 160M for 40M.
Even after a band seems to be dead or worked out, I will check it on the
hour and half hour as indicated above just to make sure that I don't
miss a workable multiplier.
If you are running, don't hesitate to ask a station who calls you whose
mult you need on another band to QSY to that band if it might possibly
result in a new mult. If you are doing S&P, you would obviously try a
QSY requested by the run station if it would be a new mult. I usually
try to accommodate such requests even if it won't result in a new mult
for me to help out the other guy and it will be another QSO point if
successful. You may be surprised that you can move stations back to the
high bands at night after you think the bands are dead. During this
week, the week night contest practices have had a lot of activity on 15M
at 0230 and 0300Z. If you are running, think of a good run frequency on
the other bands and be prepared to ask others to QSY to those
frequencies. Of course, when you do that, you should send QRL? and move
a bit if the frequency is in use. Usually choosing frequencies higher
and/or lower than most of the activity works well.
It is probably a waste of time to ask a run station to QSY to another
band for a mult as most won't want to do that. Some SO2R stations will
give you the frequency they are monitoring or calling CQ on on the other
band. Of course, if the other guy is a close friend or member of your
team or club, you might get results if you ask.
Don't forget to check 40M around 2130 to 2200Z to try to pick up the
close in multipliers that may not be workable after the skip goes out on
Send at a speed that is comfortable for you. If you are not getting
replies to your CQs, you may want to speed up or slow down and see if
that helps. Of course, if you have a beam, you probably know when to
turn it which way, but remember when you are doing a QSY try for a mult,
the higher band may not have direct skip, but may work backscatter.
Turn your beam to the west or south west, usually following the sun.
Operate as much as you can keeping in mind higher priorities of family,
job, church etc. And, of course, make it fun.
After the contest, post your claimed scores to the 3830scores contest
reflector and send your Cabrillo file to the sponsor in accordance with
the rules on the NCJ websit. You can find this by a link from the
WA7BNM contest calendar. If you list a club in the Cabrillo header,
spell it exactly as "South East Contest Club." There is no need to put
your team in the Cabrillo header, although there is no harm in putting
it in there by creating a new line: "TEAM: SECC#1 or SECC#2." But the
team scores will be determined from the preregistrations, not from the
Cabrillo headers. Be sure to put your team in the 3830 posting. There
will be a prompt for Club and a prompt for Team. You can put both on
3830, but the summary will show only the team name if both are put
there. If you show only a club name, that will appear on the summary.
If you have any questions, drop me or the reflector a line.
73, John, K4BAI.
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