[SESprint] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests
John Laney
k4bai at att.net
Thu Jun 4 13:49:34 EDT 2020
First, let me mention that this coming weekend there will be a special
Covid 19 Communications Event (contest) sponsored by OH2BH and others.
See the contest listing at #7 below. It may not appear in all the
contest calendars.
Late Received Scores:
CWOps Club CWT Mini Contest, 5/27/20, 1300Z
WA8OJR 27 27 729 SO LP 0.5 SC SECC
WD4EXI 7 7 49 SOQRP 0:15 GA
CWOps Club CWT Mini Contest, 5/28/20, 0300Z
KG5HVO 83 71 5,893 SO LP 1 AL GCG
Claimed Scores, This Week's Contests:
1. NCCC RTTY Sprint, 5/29/20
W4ER 12 12 144 SO QRP 0.4 AL ACG
2. NCCC NS Sprint, 5/29/20
K4BAI 47 33 1,551 SO LP 0.5 GA SECC
PJ4/KU8E 24 20 480 SO HP* 0.5 PJ4 SECC
*There is no HP category for this event.
3. Phone Fray, 6/3/20
NJ8J 4 4 16 SO LP 0:30 GA SECC
4. CQ World Wide WPX Contest, CW
WW1X 8006 1483 31,840,010 M/M HP 48 ME Remote
KM9P 3103 968 6,343,304 SO AB HP 36 TN TCG By: K0EJ
NT7G 2182 923 5,086,653 SO(A)ABHP 36 AZ AOCC W4IX at N6VR
KD5DD 2446 847 4,169,781 SO AB LP 36 MS DpDxCC SO2R/N4OGW
WZ4F 1925 759 3,565,023 SO AB HP 26 AL ACG SO2R/K4AB
AA4CF 1803 765 3,193,875 SO(A)ABHP 36 GA GCG
PJ4/K4BAI 1412 716 3,020,088 SOAB/20HP 16:22 PJ4 SECC Remote
KU8E 1985 746 2,738,566 SOABHP(TW) 30 GA SECC
WF9A 1898 701 2,575,474 SOABLP(TW) 36 GA SECC SO2R/LZ4AX
AA4XG 1689 648 2,400,840 SO(A)ABHP 28:15 GA SECC KN8U at W4AQL
Part Remote
W4NZ 1579 800 2,319,200 SO(A)SB20HP 33 TN TCG
AA4AQ 1816 679 2,298,415 SO AB HP 36 FL ACG SO2R/K4PV
W7DXX 1749 691 2,286,519 M/S HP 40 NM Remote
Ops: K1ZZI, N4HH, K9DX
N4IQ 1522 687 2,186,034 SO(A)ABHP(TW) 29 SC SFCG SO2R
WJ4X 1345 680 2,135,880 SO(A)ABLP 33 SC SFCG SO2R/N4XL
NF4A 1294 662 1,909,264 SO(A)ABHP(TW)21.9 FL FCG
N4ZZ 1477 627 1,904,199 SO(A)AB HP 18 TN TCG SO2R
WA1FCN 1334 618 1,875,630 SO(A)AB LP 34 AL ACG
NS4T 1556 609 1,739,913 SO(A)ABHP(TW) 36 GA SECC
NU4E 1200 567 1,505,952 SO(A)AB LP 29 SC SFCG
K1DC 1187 507 1,136,187 SOABLP(CK/TW)29.5 AL ACG
W4GE 785 492 1,069,116 SO(A)AB HP 24 SC CDXA
NI7R 644 516 857,076 SO AB HP 16 SC SFCG
NN4GG 765 459 733,941 SO(A)AB HP 10:38 GA SECC SO2R/N4GG
WN4AFP 998 423 732,213 SOABLP(TW) 10 SC SFCG
K3IE 625 369 548,703 SO(A)AB HP 8 TN TCG SO2R
W8FN 446 296 275,280 SO AB HP 8:30 NC SECC
K4BAI 448 305 266,570 SOABLP)TW) 10:53 GA SECC
AD8J 300 239 262,183 SO(A)SB40HP 6:18 NC SECC Remote
W4XO 456 267 256,587 SO(A)ABHP(TW) ___ GA GCG
N5TOO 504 276 256,404 SO AB LP 9.5 GA GCG
N4KH 414 301 252,840 SO(A)ABHP(TW)9:39 AL ACG
KB4DE 522 294 250,782 SO(A)ABLP)TW) 24 SC
KR4AE 516 281 232,668 SO(A)AB QRP _____ GA SECC
AC4MC 412 271 227,911 SO AB HP 10 SC SFCG
K7OM 434 275 208,725 SO AB HP 15 SC SFCG
KB4KBS 326 264 185,592 SO(A)AB LP 21 GA TDXS*
K3DNE 351 242 170,368 SO(A)ABLP(TW)____ SC SFCG
NA4W 539 249 164,589 SO SB10 HP 20 AL ACG By K4WI
W4QO 269 211 122,591 SO(A)ABQRP 12 GA SECC
N2WF 218 165 117,975 SO(A)SB40LP 7 GA GCG
NG2J 314 218 115,540 SO(A)ABLP(TW)11.75 GA SECC
AE4Y 400 176 100,672 SO AB LP 11 NC SECC
KM4CMN 249 155 81,995 SO AB LP 5.2 TN TCG By K1GU
KS4YX 265 189 80,136 SOABLP(TW) 8 SC SFCG
KG4CUY 314 184 72,680 SO AB LP 13 AL ACG
KS4L 315 177 70,623 SOABQRP(TW) 14.1 AL ACG
WB4HRL 225 176 68,112 SO(A)AB HP 11:24 SC SFCG
K8LBQ 200 159 65,031 SOABLP(CL) 7 GA SECC
N4TOL 232 147 49,048 SO(A)ABQRP 11:45 GA SECC
WU4B 112 111 41,070 SO(A)AB LP 4 GA SECC
KG4IGC 132 112 31,248 SO(A)AB LP _____ SC SFCG
WR4K 155 119 30,464 SO(A)ABHP(CL)8 GA SECC
W4ER 162 122 28,060 SOABQRP(CL) 8 AL ACG
WA8OJR 138 110 25,300 SO AB LP 4.25 SC SECC
KJ4YM 175 105 24,255 SO(A)ABQRP(TW)11 GA QRPARCI**
NJ8J 62 56 7,672 SOABLP(TW) 2:12 GA SECC
AA4GA 64 54 5,238 SO AB QRP 2.5 GA SECC
NN9DD 39 28 4,826 SOABLP)TW) 2.5 GA GCG
K4RLC 23 23 2,553 SO AB LP _____ SC PVRC
K4VBM 18 16 336 SO AB LP _____ GA GCG
N4CU 6 6 48 SO AB HP _____ FL ACG
*Outside Club Circle
**QRPARCI is an international club not eligible for club aggregate score
5. World Wide Side Band Activity Contest, 6/2/20
AA4LS 71 47 4,982 SO AB Youth LP 1 NY AOCC Remote SO2R
6. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 6/3/20, 1300Z
N4ZZ 153 142 21,726 SO LP 1 TN TCG SO2R
W8FN 125 125 15,625 SO HP 1 NC SECC
W4NZ 124 124 15,376 SO HP 0:56 TN TCG
K1GU 120 112 13,440 SO HP 1 TN TCG
N5TOO 104 104 10,816 SO LP 1 GA GCG
W4XO 95 95 9,025 SO LP 1 GA GCG
AD8J 102 88 8,976 SO HP 1 NC SECC Remote
K4BAI 99 84 8,316 SO LP 1 GA SECC
K4HR 72 64 4,608 SO HP 1 SC SECC
AE4Y 49 49 2,401 SO LP 1 NC SECC
WB4HRL 42 42 1,974 SO HP 1 SC SFCG
KT4XN 46 40 1,840 SO LP 1 GA SECC
AG4EA 41 38 1,558 SO LP 1 SC
KJ4M 34 34 1,156 SO LP 0:30 AL
NN4K 32 32 1,024 SO HP 1 GA SECC
KJ4YM 23 23 529 SO LP 1 GA NFARL
N4DT 19 19 361 SO QRP 1 SC
KB4DE 10 10 100 SO LP 0:12 SC
K4EES 9 9 81 SO LP 0.25 AL
7. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 6/3/20, 1900Z
N4ZZ 133 124 16,492 SO LP 0:48 TN TCG
W4NZ 129 106 13,674 SO HP 1 TN TCG
KU8E 102 90 9,180 SO HP 1 GA SECC
W8FN 87 87 7,569 SO HP 1 NC SECC
K4BAI 78 69 5,382 SO LP 1 GA SECC
N5TOO 72 70 5,040 SO LP 1 GA GCG
K1GU 69 69 4,761 SO LP 0.6 TN TCG
K4HR 43 43 1,849 SO HP 0:35 SC SECC
AE4Y 40 38 1,520 SO LP 1 NC SECC
WB4HRL 37 37 1,369 SO HP 1 SC SFCG
AG4EA 28 28 784 SO LP 1 SC
WU4B 26 26 676 SO LP 1 GA SECC
KJ4YM 26 26 676 SO LP 1 GA NFARL
N4DT 19 18 342 SO LP 1 SC
NN4K 18 18 324 SO HP 0.3 GA SECC
KT4XN 16 16 256 SO LP 0.4 GA SECC
KJ4M 13 13 169 SO LP 0:15 AL
KB4DE 10 10 100 SO LP 0:14 SC
8. CWOps CWT Mini Test, 7/4/20, 0300Z
N4ZZ 146 133 19,418 SO LP 1 TN TCG
K1GU 122 122 14,884 SO HP 1 TN TCG
K4BAI 99 84 8,316 SO LP 1 GA SECC
W4XO 56 55 3,080 SO HP 0:50 GA GCG
NN4K 50 50 2,500 SO HP 1 GA SECC
K4WG 50 48 2,400 SO LP 1 AL ACG
N5TOO 34 34 1,156 SO LP 0:30 GA GCG
WB4HRL 33 33 1,089 SO HP 1 SC SFCG
AD8J 30 30 900 SO LP 0:21 NC SECC Remote
NJ8J 29 26 754 SO LP 1 GA SECC
AG4EA 27 26 702 SO LP 1 SC
K4EES 25 23 575 SO LP 1 AL
W4ER 14 14 196 SO QRP 0.25 AL ACG
N4DT 13 12 156 SO QRP 1 SC
AA4GA 11 11 121 SO QRP ____ GA SECC
KT4XN 10 10 100 SO LP 0.2 GA SECC
KB4DE 10 10 100 SO LP 0:24 SC
This Week's Contests:
1. Straight Key Century Club Sprint Europe (SKSE). 1900-2100Z
Thursday. 160-10M CW. Use a mechanical key. Exchange: RST, SPC,
Name, SKCC#Q or "NONE." Most activity will be between 14048 and 14062
kHz. Work everyone.
2. NCCC RTTY Sprint. Every Thursday night local date. 0145-0215Z
Friday UTC date. 15, 20, 40, 80, 160M RTTY. 100W max power. One/one
kHz QSY rule. Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. Same band dupes OK
after one intervening QSO. Look around 080-082 kHz on the higher bands
and up from 1805 kHz on 160M.
3. NCCC NS Sprint. Every Thursday night local date. 0230-0259Z
Friday. 15, 20, 40, 80, 160M CW. 100W max power. One/one kHz QSY
rule. Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. No same band dupes
permitted. Look around 039-045 kHz and lower on 160M.
4. Potomac Valley Radio Club Reunion. 0000-0200Z Sat (Friday night
local) and same time Sun (Sat night local). 160-10M CW, SSB. Exchange:
Name + SPC for non PVRC members and for PVRC members 1st year of
membership, Name, SPC, call when first joined PVRC. Work only PVRC
members. Once a member, you are a member for life.
5. VK (Australia) Shires Contest. 24 hours of Sat UTC. 80-10M CW,
SSB. Exchange: RS(T) + CQ zone or VK Shire. Work only VK stations.
6. Digifest. 0400-1200Z Sat; 2000Z Sat to 0400Z Sun. 1200-2000Z Sun.
4 character grid square. You can work each station once on each mode
and on each band.
7. Covid-19 Communication Event. 1000Z Sat to 0959Z Sun. 80-10M, CW,
SSB, Dig (only FT4/FT8). Exchange: RS(T) + age of op (YLs may send
"00" or if an OM doesn't want to tell his age, he may send "99." On the
FT modes send only RST. All stations may use spotting networks, but no
self-spotting is permitted. Enter either one mode or multi mode.
Multipliers are each DXCC counter once and STAYHOME suffix calls once.
You can use your All Asia contest module or CQ WW they say. Not sure
how the logger would address numbers higher than 40. I will use AA. Log
deadline 7 days to covidlog at sral.fi. They hope OJ0R will be QRV.
8. Kentucky QSO Party. 1400Z Sat to 0200Z Sun. 160-2M CW, SSB, Dig.
Exchange: RS(T) + S/P/DX or KY county. Bonus points for each QSO with
W4NJA, KY4KY, K4KCG, and K4MSU. Suggested frequencies: 1815, 50085,
144060, and 40 kHz up on 80-10 on CW. SSB: 1865, 3840, 7190, 14250,
21300, 28450, 50135, 144250. I need for all time counties: MEADE,
9. RTTYOps Week End Sprint. 1600-1959Z Sat. 80-10M RTTY. Exchange:
boht calls, #, name, 6 character grid square. One/one kHz QSY rule.
Call: "CQ RYW."
10. Cookie Crumble QRP Contest. 1700-2200Z Sun. 5W max power CW; 10W
max power SSB. Exchange: RST + SPC + Cookie Crumble # + name. 160-UHF
CW, SSB. Extra points for operating portable. Also extra points for
working Cookie Crumble stations (name: Crumble) and deduct points for
working Burnt Cookie stations (name: "Burne."). Extra points for
cookie monster. My CC # is 25 Suggested CW frequencies: 3560, 7030,
7122, 10106, 10116, 14060, 18096. In my opinion, this is a contest and
I will not make QSOs on the WARC bands.
11. RTTY Week Sprints. Every Tuesday and Thursday. 1700-1900Z. 20.
40, 80M RTTY. Exchange: both calls, #, name. One/one kHz QSY rule.
12. North American QRP CW Club June Sprint. 0030-0250Z Wed (Tuesday
night local date). Max power 5W. 20, 40, 80M CW. Exchange: RST + SPC
+ NAQCC# or power. Double your score for using a hand key. 1 1/2 your
score for use of a bug. This one always brings out a lot of activity
and is a lot of fun.
13. Phone Fray. Every Tuesday night local date. 0230-0259Z Wed. 15,
20, 40, 80, 160M SSB. 100W max power. Exchange: Name + SPC. You can
use your NAQP SSB contest module for logging. Look around 21325, 14250,
7175, 3800, and 1875 kHz.
14. RSGB Hope QSO Party RTTY. Wed of next week. 1130-1300Z RTTY.
Exchange: RST + QSO#.
15. CWOps Club CWT Mini Tests. Every Wednesday local date. 1300Z,
1900Z, 0300Z Thursday. 160-10M CW. Exchange: Name + CWOps# or SPC.
Look around 025 to 053 kHz on higher bands and lower on 160M.
Hope everyone has a good weekend and a lot of QSOs. The number of area
hams and stations reporting for CQ WPX CW is the highest I have found
since I started doing these reports (1995?). 73, John, K4BAI, for SECC.
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