[SESprint] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Thu Nov 11 17:42:14 EST 2021

Late Received Scores:

CQ World Wide DX Contest, SSB
Call   QSO  Zon  DXC
K4NWX  138   34   73  40,446  SO AB HP CL   12  SC  CDXA
N4NM   110   23   46  20,255  SO(A)SB15 LP   4  AL  ACG

Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  Flying Pigs QRP Club November 40M Walk for the Bacon
K4BAI  7  21  SO QRP  0:40  GA  SECC

2.  NCCC NS Sprint, 11/5/21
K1GU   40  31  1,240  SO LP  0.5  TN  TCG
K4BAI  40  28  1,120  SO LP  0.5  GA  SECC
W4NZ   37  29  1,073  SO LP  0.5  TN  TCG   SO2R

3.  QRP Fox Hunt 80M, 11/5/21


4.  K1USN Slow Speed Test (SST), 11/5/21
K4PQC  31  22  682  SO QRP  0:55  GA  Metro Atlanta Tel Pioneer ARC
KR4AE  28  18  504  SO QRP  1     GA  SECC
KB3FW  20  15  300  SO LP   0:40  SC  SECC
K4EMF  18  14  252  SO HP   0.7   GA
KT4XN  13   9  117  SO HP   0.7   GA  SECC

5.  Ukrainian DX Contest
Call  CWQ  PhQ  Mul
K4BAI  48    0   27  3,429  SO CW HP    2:08  GA  SECC
K7OM   14    0   38    304  SOSB/20 HP  1:02  SC  SFCG

6.  K1USN Slow Speed Test (SST), 11/9/21
K4PQC  2  2  4  SO QRP  0:05  GA  Metro Atlanta Tel Pioneer ARC

7.  ARRL November Sweepstakes, CW
N4OGW   1326  84  222,768  SO    HP  24     MS  DpDxCC  SO2R
K4AB    1172  84  196,896  SO(U) HP  24     AL  ACG     SO2R
N2NL    1138  84  191,184  SO(U) HP  20     AL  ACG
N4ZZ    1127  84  189,336  SO(U) LP  24     TN  TCG     SO2R
KU8E    1033  83  171,478  SO    HP  23:26  GA  SECC    SO2R  Missed NL
K4BAI    999  84  167,832  SO    HP  23:38  GA  SECC
WW4XX    934  83  155,044  SO    LP  24     GA  SECC By LZ4AX MIssed NT
N3HEE    880  84  147,840  SO(U) LP  24     SC
W8FN     961  81  145,962  SO    HP  22.5   NC  SECC SO2R Miss EWA,AK,NT
N4OO     865  84  145,320  SO    LP  24     GA  SECC
AA5JF    800  84  134,400  SO(U) HP  20     GA  SECC
N4XL     738  83  122,508  SO(U) LP  20     SC  SECC    Missed NT
K0EJ     675  83  112,050  SO QRP    19     TN  TCG     SO2R
WF4W     630  82  103,320  SO HP     13.2   GA  SECC    Missed NL, PE
AA4CF    588  84   98,784  SO(U) HP  12     GA  SECC
K2SX     504  84   84,672  SO(U) HP   7.5   SC  SECC
K1GU     521  79   82,318  SO    LP  11     TN  TCG
N5TOO    443  76   67,336  SO    HP   8.5   GA  SECC
W4ATL    418  80   66,880  SO    HP  10     GA  SECC
W4XO     402  81   65,124  SO(U) HP  _____  GA  SECC
NN4SS    385  78   60,060  SO    HP  10.2   SC  SECC
KT4XA    357  80   57,120  MO    LP   9:42  AL  ACG   Ops: K4CNY, NV4B
AE4Y     360  78   56,160  SO    LP  _____  NC  SECC
KJ4M     318  82   52,152  SO    LP   8     AL
N4GG     310  83   51,460  SO(U) LP   7     GA  SECC  Missed NT
K3DNE    304  84   51,072  SO(U) HP  15     SC  SFCG
NJ8J     347  71   49,274  SO    LP  12:32  GA  SECC
K1AJ     300  69   42,228  SO    LP   7     ME  SECC*
N4KH     260  79   41,080  SO(U) LP   7.5   AL  ACG
K4PQC    287  70   40,180  SO   QRP  16     GA Metro Atlanta Tel Pio ARC
KR4AE    265  74   39,220  SO   QRP  13     GA  SECC
N3ZL     256  70   35,840  SO(U)QRP  _____  NC  SECC
K4WI     199  84   33,432  SO(U) HP  12     AL  ACG
NF4A     218  73   31,828  SO(U) HP   2.8   FL  ACG
KT4XN    180  66   23,760  SO    HP   8     GA  (SECC)
KB3FW    145  62   17,980  SO    LP   9     SC  SECC
NE4EA    127  56   14,224  SO    LP  10     SC  SFCG
AA4GA    128  55   14,080  SO   QRP   5     GA  SECC
K4EMF    125  56   14,000  SO    HP  13     GA
K4NWX    110  47   10,340  SO    HP  10     SC  CDXA
NN4NT    100  49    9,800  SO    LP   3.5   AL  ACG
KB4LA     88  42    7,392  SO    LP  _____  AL
W4ER      58  56    6,496  SO   QRP   3     AL  ACG
K4RLC     50  26    2,600  SO    LP  _____  NC  PVRC
K4EES     41  29    2,378  SO    LP   1     AL  Baldwin ARC
AA4LR     25  20    1,000  SO(U) LP   2     GA  SECC
W4AQL     15  12      360  SOSchlHP   0:12  GA  SECC  Op: KN8U
*Operated outside club circle.

8.  QRP Fox Hunt 40M, 11/10/21
Worked W9CF:  K4BAI, N4KV, WA4ZOF, NN4K.
Worked N4FP:  None in our area.

9.  CWOps Club CWT Test, 11/10/21, 1300Z
K4BAI   166  166  27,556  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
N4IQ    150  150  22,500  SO HP   1     SC  SFCG  SO2R
W8FN    146  146  21,316  SO HP   1     NC  SECC
N5TOO   143  143  20,449  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
W4XO    119  119  14,161  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
K1AJ    105  105  11,025  SO LP   1     ME  SECC
AD8J     91   91   8,281  SO LP   1     NC  SECC  Remote
WB1LLY   91   91   8,281  SO LP   1     GA
AA5JF    85   85   7,225  SO HP   0:35  GA  SECC
KT4XN    83   77   6,391  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
K2SX     78   78   6,084  SO HP   0:37  SC  SECC
K4EES    71   71   5,041  SO LP   1     AL
WB4HRL   61   60   3,660  SO HP   1     SC  SFCG
AG4EA    60   60   3,600  SO LP   1     SC
N3ZL     58   58   3,364  SO LP   0:24  NC  SECC
K4HR     58   57   3,306  SO HP   0:50  SC  SECC
K1GU     54   54   2,916  SO HP   0.8   TN  TCG
W8XC     52   52   2,704  SO LP   1     GA
NN4K     45   45   2,025  SO HP   ____  GA  SECC
K4PQC    47   41   1,927  SO QRP  1     GA Metro Atl Tel Pioneer ARC
W4LJ     28   28     784  SO LP   0.5   SC
N4DT     24   24     576  SO QRP  1     SC
ND4K     20   20     400  SO LP   ____  GA  SECC
N4CU     12   12     144  SO HP   ____  FL  ACG
KB4DE    10   10     100  SO LP   0:10  SC
K4RLC     5    5      25  SO LP   ____  SC  SFCG

10.  CWOps Club CWT Test, 11/10/21, 1900Z
N4ZZ    151  145  21,895  SO LP   1     TN  AOCC  SO2R
N5TOO   139  139  19,321  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
W8FN    118  116  13,688  SO HP   1     NC  SECC  SO2R
K1AJ     90   89   8,010  SO LP   1     ME  SECC
WB1LLY   88   80   7,040  SO LP   ____  GA
K1GU     84   82   6,888  SO HP   1     TN  TCG
NN4K     81   81   6,561  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
K2SX     76   76   5,776  SO HP   0:35  SC  SECC
AD8J     73   68   4,964  SO LP   0:55  NC  SECC  Remote
NJ8J     67   67   4,489  SO LP   1     GA  SECC
K4HR     59   55   3,245  SO HP   0:50  SC  SECC
WB4HRL   59   55   3,245  SO HP   1     SC  SFCG
K4PQC    49   47   2,303  SO QRP  0:55  GA  Metro Atl Tel Pioneer ARC
AG4EA    42   42   1,764  SO LP   1     SC
KJ4YM    31   29     899  SO QRP  1     GA  No GA QRP Club
N4DT     28   28     784  SO QRP  1     SC
W4LJ     23   23     529  SO HP   0.5   SC
W4XO     21   21     441  SO HP   0:13  GA  SECC
ND4K     11   11     121  SO LP   ____  GA  SECC
N1RBD    11   11     121  SO LP   0.5   GA  Long Island CW Club
KB4DE    10   10     100  SO LP   0:12  SC

11.  CWOps Club CWT Test, 11/11/21, 0300Z
W8FN    152  152  23,104  SO HP   1     NC  SECC
K4BAI   151  149  22,499  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
K1GU    138  138  19,044  SO HP   1     TN  TCG
AD8J    116  106  12,296  SO LP   1     NC  SECC  Remote
N3ZL    101  101  10,201  SO LP   0:54  NC  SECC
K1AJ     77   76   5,852  SO LP   1     ME  SECC
N5TOO    73   73   5,329  SO HP   0:40  GA  SECC
NN4K     73   73   5,329  SO HP   1     GA  SECC
N4ZZ     66   66   4,356  SO LP   1     TN  AOCC  SO2R
WB4HRL   65   64   4,160  SO HP   1     SC  SFCG
NJ8J     56   56   3,136  SO LP   0:54  GA  SECC
K4HR     54   52   2,808  SO HP   0:40  SC  SECC
K4PQC    50   47   2,350  SO QRP  1     GA  Metro Atl Tel Pioneer ARC
WB1LLY   37   37   1,369  SO LP   1     GA
KJ4M     35   35   1,225  SO LP   0:20  AL
N4DT     29   29     841  SO QRP  1     SC
K8LBQ    24   24     576  SO LP   0:54  GA  SECC
ND4K     20   19     380  SO LP   ____  GA  SECC
KT4XN    15   15     225  SO HP   0.3   GA  SECC
AG4EA    12   12     144  SO LP   0:20  SC
KJ4R     12   12     144  SO LP   1     SC  SECC
KO4VW    10   10     100  SO LP   0.25  GA  NFARL
KB4DE    10   10     100  SO LP   0:17  SC
N1RBD     9    9      81  SO QRP  0.5   GA  Long Island CW Club

This Week's Contests:

1.  QRP Fox Hunt 80M.  0200-0330Z Friday (Thursday night local date). 
Two QRP Foxes (K9DRP, DON, IL and AJ1DM, JOHN, RI) will be calling 
between 3550 and 3570 kHz.  Exchange:  RST, SPC, Name, Power.  5W max 
power.  Work only the two foxes and do not pot their frequencies.  We 
should be able to work both foxes from the SE tonight.

2.  NCCC RTTY Sprint.  Every Thursday night local date.  0145-0215Z. 15, 
20, 40, 80, 160M SSB.  100W max power.  One/one kHz QSY rule. Exchange: 
both calls, #, name, SPC.  Look from 080 to 090 on the higher bands and 
up from 1805 kHz on 160M.  Same band dupes OK after one intervening QSO.

3.  NCCC NS Sprint. Every Thursday night local date.  0230-0259Z.  15, 
20, 40, 80, 160M CW.  100W max power  One/one kHz QSY rule.  Exchange: 
both calls, #, name, SPC.  Look from 040 to 046 khz on the higher bands 
and up from 1815 kHz on 160M.  No same band dupes permitted.

4.  K1USN Slow Speed Test (SST).  2000-2100Z Friday.  160-10M CW. 
Exchange:  Name + SPC.  Look around 029 to 053 kHz on each band except 
around 1820 kHz on 160M.  Activity usually starts on 20M and moves down 
to 40M.  20 WPM maximum speed.  You can use your NAQP CW logging 
program, but you will need to add any countries worked outside North 
America as multipliers and refigure your score.

5.  Worked All Europe (WAE) DX Contest, RTTY.  48 hours of weekend UTC. 
36 hour max for single ops with one hour minimum off periods.  80-10M 
RTTY.  Exchange:  RST + serial #.  Work everyone, not just Europeans. If 
a station doesn't give a serial #, log it as "000," but it will only 
count if it is a multiplier.  More QSO points on the lower bands.  QTCs 
may be exchanged with any station on another continent, not just 
Europeans.  QTCs are time, call, # from a previous QSO.  Each QTC may be 
sent only once.  You can send up to 10 to any station on a number 
continent once during the contest.

6.  10-10 International Fall Contest, Digital.  48 hours of weekend UTC. 
  10 Meters Digital.  Exchange:  Name + 10-10# (or "0") + SPC.

7.  Japan International DX Contest, Phone.  0700Z Sat to 1300Z Sun. 
160-10M SSB.  Exchange:  RS + CQ Zone or Japanese prefecture #.  You can 
work only Japanese stations, including JD1 stations.

8.  Straight Key Century Club Week End Sprintathon.  1200Z Sat to 2400Z 
Sun.  24 hours max operating time.  Use a mechanical key.  160-6M CW. 
Exchange:  RST, SPC, Name, SKCC# or "NONE."  Military veterans will send 
"/" and the number of years of service after their name.  E.g.  JOHN/6. 
Add up the numbers of years received in exchanges and these are bonus 

9.  OK/OM DX Contest, CW.  1200Z Sat to 1200Z Sun.  160-10M CW. 
Exchange:  RST + serial # or three letter OK/OM District Code.  Work 
only OK/OL/OM stations.  There is always a good turn out for this one.

10.  Radio Club of America (RCA) Transatlantic QSO Party. This one-time 
QSO party celebrates the first transatlantic QSOs by amateur radio 
operators 100 years ago.  1200Z Sat to 1200Z Sun.  160-10M, CW and SSB. 
Exchange:  RS(T) + S/P/CQ zone.  RCA members such as K3LR will send R(T) 
+ "RCA."  Bonus points for each QSO with W2RCA.

11.  FISTS Fall Saturday Sprint.  1600-1800Z Sat.  80-10M CW.  max power 
100W.  Exchange:  RST + SPC + Name + FISTS# or "0."  Suggested call is 
"CQ FS."

12.  K1USN Slow Speed Test (SST).  0000-0100Z Monday (Sunday night local 
date).  See #4 above.

13.  4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint.  0100-0300Z Monday (Sunday 
night local date.)  160-10M CW/SSB.  Max power:  CW 5W.  SSB 10W. 
Exchange:  RS(T) + 4S# or power.  Most activity is on CW and around 
14060, 7122, 7140, and 3564.  Actually most QSOs are usually made on or 
near 7122 and 3564.

14.  QRP Fox Hunt 40M.  0200-0330Z Wed (Tuesday night local date). See # 
1 above. Foxes will be K0DTJ, BRIAN, CA and KV2X, TOM, NY.  QSOs with 
both may be possible and each will require patience and perseverance.

15.  CWOps Club CWT Tests. Every Wed and Thursday.  Four separate 
one-hour tests.  1300Z and 1900Z Wed, and 0300 and 0700Z Thursday. 
160-10M CW.  Exchange:  Name + CWOps# or SPC.  Look around 025 to 053 
kHz on the higher bands and up from 1820 kHz on 160M.

16.  Flying Pigs QRP Club 20M November Walk for the Bacon.  Thursday 
0000-0100Z (Wed night) and Friday 0200-0300Z (Thurs night).  13 WPM max 
speed.  Exchange:  RST, SPC, Name, FP# or Power.  5W max power.   Give 
it a try, but 20M is often closed for most QRP QSOs as these hours.

17.  North American QRP CW Club November Sprint.  0130-0330Z Thursday 
(Wed night local date).  20, 40, 80M CW.  5W max power. Exchange:  RST, 
SPC, NAQCC# or power.  You can double your score if you use a straight 
key and 1 1/2 your score if you use a bug or cootie.  There is always a 
lot of activity in this one.

Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend and a lot of QSOs.  73, John, 
K4BAI, for SECC.

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