[SESprint] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; Upcoming Contests
John Laney
k4bai at att.net
Thu Nov 18 15:37:29 EST 2021
Late Received Score:
ARRL November Sweepstakes Contest, CW
K8LBQ 125 56 14,000 SO LP 6.5 GA SECC
Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
1. NCCC NS Sprint, 11/12/21
K1GU 41 31 1,271 SO LP 0.5 TN TCG
K4BAI 11 10 110 SO LP 0:08 GA SECC
2. QRP Fox Hunt 80m, 2/12/21
3. Straight Key Century Club November Week End Sprintathon
K4BAI 177 47 10,308 SO QRO+ 10:23 GA SECC
WA4JK 116 32 6,227 SO QRO AL
KA4UPI 105 42 6,385 SO QRO GA
WA8OJR 90 33 3,983 SO QRO SC SECC
W4FOA 72 33 3,731 SO QRO GA
N1MHV 50 26 2,445 SO QRO+ GA
N4IDH 43 25 2,104 SO QRO AL
WF4W 52 25 2,057 SO QRO+ GA SECC
N8KR/M 35 18 1,191 SO QRO KY, TN, GA
W1RCP 28 18 1,174 SO QRO 5 GA
AI4UN 30 20 1,029 SO QRO GA
KE4WKH 24 19 902 SO QRP AL
KC4HCH 20 17 861 SO QRO AL
K8LBQ 22 17 784 SO QRO 2.5 GA SECC
N3HEE 23 19 746 SO QRO SC
KN4UCN 14 0(?) 367 SO QRO+ AL
K8UGG 12 10 280 SO QRO GA
WN4AT 11 10 243 SO QRO AL
N4API 5 5 101 SO QRO GA
NT4TS 2 2 29 SO QRP GA
4. FISTS Saturday Sprint
K4BAI 3 3 48 SO LP 0:32 GA SECC
5. K1USN Slow Speed Test (SST), 11/12/21
KO4VW 32 23 736 SO LP 1 GA NFARL
K4PQC 23 19 427 SO QRP ____ GA Metro Atlanta Tel Pioneer ARC
KR4AE 24 17 408 SO QRP 1 GA SECC
KB3FW 12 10 120 SO LP 0:22 SC SECC
6. K1USN Slow Speed Test (SST), 11/15/21
W8FN 63 26 1,638 SO HP 1 NC SECC
WN4AFP 45 28 1,260 SO LP 1 SC SFCG
K4PQC 24 22 528 SO QRP 0:50 GA Metro Atl Tel Pioneer ARC
W4RIN 20 16 320 SO LP 1 GA
KR4AE 20 12 240 SO QRP 0.75 GA SECC
7. OK/OM DX Contest, CW
NN4SS 107 88 28,248 SO AB HP 2.75 SC SECC
K4BAI 107 88 28,248 SO AB HP 5:39 GA SECC
AA4CF 80 77 17,280 SO AB HP 2 GA SECC
K2SX 57 49 8,379 SOSB/40 HP 2 SC SECC
WN4AFP 28 24 2,016 SO AB LP 2 SC SFCG
8. Worked All Euorpe DX Contest, RTTY
Call QSO QTC Mul
N4IQ 693 608 468 608,868 SO HP 19 SC SFCG SO2R
KG4IGC 383 346 289 210,681 SO LP 27:03 SC SFCG
NU4E 303 310 248 152,024 SO HP 6:45 SC SFCG
K7OM 316 150 285 133,810 SO HP 14 SC SFCG
AA5JF 122 269 179 69,810 SO HP 6 GA SECC
N2OG 269 50 247 66,443 SO LP 20 SC SFCG
K4HAL 139 0 115 15,985 SO LP 8 AL ACG
KD5DD 61 0 69 4,209 SO LP 5.75 MS DpDxCC By KT4Q
9. North American QRP CW Club November Sprint
KJ4R 43 21 2,677 SO QRP SWA Str Key SC SECC
K4BAI 39 21 1,617 SO QRP SWA Keyer 2 GA SECC
K4JPN 24 16 1,536 SO QRP SWA Str Key GA
K4KBL 18 13 468 SO QRP SWA Keyer ~1.5 GA
NT4TS 1 1 4 SO QRP SWA Str Key GA
10. QRP Fox Hunt 40M, 11/18/21
Worked K0DTJ: KK4BNC, ND4K, N4KV.
11. Radio Club of America Transatlantic Contest
Call CWQ PhQ
WA4BPS 0 20 20 SO LP AL
12. CWOps CWT Test, 11/17/21, 1300Z
N4ZZ 171 162 27,702 SO LP 1 TN TCG SO2R
W8FN 160 160 25,600 SO HP 1 NC SECC
N5TOO 145 145 21,025 SO HP 1 GA SECC
K2SX 137 134 18,358 SO HP 0:55 SC SECC
N4IQ 134 133 17,882 SO HP 1 SC SFCG SO2R
W4XO 119 119 17,161 SO HP 1 GA SECC
WB1LLY 100 98 9,800 SO LP 1 GA
AD8J 100 97 9,700 SO LP 1 NC SECC Remote
KT4XN 83 79 6,552 SO LP 0.9 GA SECC
K3IE 65 65 4,225 SO HP 0:30 TN TCG
NN4K 57 57 3,249 SO HP 0:43 GA SECC
WB4HRL 55 54 2,970 SO HP 1 SC SFCG
N3ZL 54 54 2,916 SO LP 0:31 NC SECC
K1GU 51 51 2,601 SO HP 0.6 TN TCG
K4FT 44 44 1,936 SO LP 0:44 SC
K4PQC 32 31 992 SO QRP 0:50 GA Metro Atl Tel Pioneer ARC
N4DT 26 26 676 SO QRP 1 SC
W8XC 26 26 676 SO LP 0:30 GA
K4EMF 21 21 441 SO HP 0.9 GA
AG4EA 20 20 400 SO LP 0:40 SC
K8LBQ 17 17 289 SO LP 0:33 GA SECC
AA5JF 12 12 144 SO HP ____ GA SECC
K4RLC 12 12 144 SO LP ____ SC SFCG
KB4DE 10 10 100 SO LP 0:06 SC
N4CU 9 9 81 SO HP ____ FL ACG
13. CWOps Club CWT Test, 11/17/21, 1900Z
N4ZZ 148 142 21,016 SO LP 1 TN AOCC SO2R
K0EJ 138 128 17,664 SO LP 1 TN TCG SO2R
K1GU 126 126 15,876 SO HP 1 TN TCG
AD8J 119 113 13,447 SO HP 1 NC SECC
K3IE 113 104 11,752 SO HP 1 TN TCG
N4IQ 105 100 10,500 SO HP 0.75 SC SFCG SO2R
AA5JF 102 99 10,098 SO HP 1 GA SECC
W8FN 99 96 9,504 SO HP 1 NC SECC SO2R
WB1LLY 87 86 6,482 SO LP 1 GA
KT4XN 79 74 5,846 SO HP 1 GA SECC
K4HR 76 69 5,244 SO HP 1 SC SECC
WB4HRL 58 58 3,364 SO HP 1 SC SFCG
K2SX 57 56 3,192 SO HP 0:30 SC SECC
N5TOO 56 56 3,136 SO HP 0:20 GA SECC
K4PQC 48 44 2,112 SO QRP 1 GA Metro Atlanta Tel PioneerARC
K8LBQ 40 39 1,560 SO LP 1 GA SECC
N4DT 38 38 1,444 SO QRP 1 SC
KO4VW 37 37 1,369 SO LP 1 GA NFARL
W4ER 36 36 1,296 SO QRP 0.7 AL ACG
KB3FW 37 34 1,258 SO LP 0:45 SC SECC
NN4K 29 29 841 SO HP 0:30 GA SECC
N1RBD 25 25 625 SO LP 1 GA Long Island CW Club
AG4EA 12 12 144 SO LP 0:20 SC
KB4DE 10 10 100 SO LP 0:06 SC
14. CWOps Club CWT Test, 11/18/21, 0300Z
N4ZZ 159 147 23,373 SO LP 1 TN AOCC SO2R
W8FN 146 146 21,316 SO HP 1 NC SECC
K1GU 143 143 20,449 SO HP 1 TN TCG
WB4IT 97 97 9,409 SO LP 1 AL
K4BAI 85 85 7,225 SO HP 0:31 GA SECC
N5TOO 85 81 6,885 SO HP 1 GA SECC
NJ8J 76 75 5,700 SO LP 1 GA SECC
NN4K 75 75 5,625 SO HP 1 GA SECC
K2SX 72 69 4,968 SO HP 0:30 SC SECC
K4HR 62 60 3,720 SO HP 0:50 SC SECC
K4EES 53 52 2,756 SO LP ____ AL
K4PQC 50 49 2,450 SO QRP 0:50 GA Metro Atlanta Tel PioneerARC
W4ER 43 42 1,806 SO QRP 1 AL ACG
ND4K 39 38 1,482 SO LP 1 GA SECC
WB1LLY 38 38 1,444 SO LP 1 GA
N4DT 36 36 1,296 SO LP 1 SC
N1RBD 30 30 900 SO LP 1 GA Long Island CW Club
K3IE 22 22 484 SO HP 0:10 TN TCG
KT4XN 13 13 169 SO HP 0.2 GA SECC
AG4EA 12 12 144 SO LP ____ SC Remote
KB3FW 11 11 121 SO LP 0:30 SC SECC
KB4DE 10 10 100 SO LP 0:12 SC
Upcoming Contests:
I am going to extend this preview out a little longer than usual this
week since I don't know when I will be able to get out the next report
due to the upcoming trip to Bonaire for CQ WW CW. Jeff, KU8E, and I
will be going down November 24 and returning December 1. Outside the
contest, we will be QRV as PJ4/home calls and during the contest we
expect to be multi single high power with the assistance of Peter,
PJ4NX. We should be able to receive e-mail down there. Hope we can
work most of you on many bands and give you some new band countries
perhaps. Any QSLs should be send to me and you may request a bureau QSL
card by e-mail to k4bai at ku8e.com. Hope many of you will be in CQ WW CW.
We will be contributing at least 2/3 of the PJ4A points to SECC.
Remember to show your club as "South East Contest Club" in the header of
your Cabrillo files.
1. QRP Fox Hunt tonight, Thursday local date. 0200-0330Z Friday. 80M.
Two foxes (K0DTJ, Brian, CA and KV2X, Tom, NY) will be calling between
3550 and 3570 kHz. 5W maximum power. Exchange is RST, SPC, Name,
Power. Most foxes start out split "UP" and then go simplex when the
pileup has died down. Work only the two foxes and do not spot their
2. NCCC RTTY Sprint. Every Thursday night local date, 0145-0215Z Friday
UTC date. 15, 20, 40, 80, 160M RTTY. 100W max power. One/one kHz QSY
rule. Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. Same band dupes OK after
one intervening QSO. Look around 080-090 kHz on the higher bands and up
from 1805 kHz on 160M.
3. NCCC NS Sprint. Every Thursday night local date, 0230-0259Z Friday.
15, 20, 40, 80, 160M CW. 100W max powr. One/one kHz QSY rule.
Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. No same band dupes allowed. Look
around 040 to 046 kHz on the higher bands and up from 1815 kHz on 160M.
4. K1USN Slow Speed Test (SST). 2000-2100Z Friday. 160-10M CW.
Exchange: Name + SPC. 20 WPM max speed. You can use your NAQP CW
contest module, but will need to add mults for any countries worked
outside North America. Look around 029 to 054 kHz on the higher bands
and around 1820 kHz on 160M.
5. LZ (Bulgaria) DX Contest. 1200Z Sat to 1200Z Sun. 80-10M CW, SSB.
Exchange: RS(T) + ITU zone or LZ 2-letter District.
6. ARRL November Sweepstakes, Phone. 2100Z Sat to 0300Z Sun Single
ops limited to 24 hours of operating time with minimum of 30 minute
times off. 160-10M SSB. Exchange: serial #, "Precedence" (Q, A, B, U,
M, S), your call sign, check (last two digits of year first licensed),
and ARRL or RAC section. There is a club aggregate score competition
(it aggregates ARRL SS CW and ARRL SS Phone too). SECC is making a run
for the gavel for the top scoring mid sized club this year. So, if you
are QRV, please send in your log. Show your club in the Cabrillo header
of your log ("South East Contest Club" for SECC). Also, it would be
nice if you would post your score to the 3830 reflector so everyone can
see most of the claimed scores. This is a very popular contest and can
be a lot of fun. It also is a challenge to exchange all the elements of
the exchange and to get them also logged correctly. Take up the challenge!
7. FISTS Club Sunday Sprint. 2100-1200Z Sunday. 80-10M CW. 100W max
power. Exchange: RST + SPC + Name + FISTS member # or "0." Look
around 058 kHz on each band.
8. Flying Pigs QRP Club November Run for the Bacon. 2300Z Sun to 0100Z
Mon. 160-10M CW. 5W maximum power. Exchange: RST + SPC + FP# or power.
9. K1USN Slow Speed Test, 0000-0100Z Monday (Sunday night local date).
See #4 above.
10. QRP Fox Hunt Extravaganza. 40M (7030-7050 kHz). Work any of the
foxes, alternates, or committee members. 0200 - 0330Z next Wed.
(Tuesday night local date). Exchange: RST, SPC, Name, Power.
11. Straight Key Century Club Week Day Sprint. Next Tuesday night
local date, 0000-0200Z Wed. 160-6M CW. Use a mechanical key. Exchange:
RST, SPC, Name, SKCC# or "0." Look around 050 to 060 kHz on most
bands. Around 1820 kHz on 160M and from 7045 to 7055 kHz on 40M.
12. CWOps Club CWT Tests. Every Wed and Thursday. Four separate
one-hour tests. 1300Z and 1900Z Wed. 0300 and 0700Z Thursday. 160-10M
CW. Exchange: Name + CWOps # or SPC. Look around 024 to 054 kHz on
each band except lower on 160M.
13. QRP Fox Hunts Extravaganza 80M. (3550-3570 kHz). 0200-0330 next
Friday (next Thursday night local date). Same as #10 above except for
14. Next Thursday NCCC RTTY Sprint. Same as #2 above.
15. Next Thursday NCCC NS Sprint. Same as #3 above.
16. K1USN SST. See # 4 above.
17. CQ World Wide DX Contest, CW. 48 hours of last weekend in
November. Exchange: RST + CQ Zone number. There is a club aggregate
score competition. The CW bands, whenever open for DX, will be filled
with signals. Have fun!
The next week will have the usual Fox Hunts and CWTs and NCCC sprints as
usual. I'll get a report out as soon as I can. Happy Thanksgiving to
all. I hope you have a lot of fun and a lot of QSOs.
73, John, K4BAI, for SECC.
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