FS: Argonaut II w/ Step Attenuator (fwd)

David E. Shelton deshel01@homer.louisville.edu
Tue, 2 Apr 1996 22:50:59 -0500 (EST)

David E. Shelton, RN, BSN  KE4FPS     |
University of Louisville, SON         |        	   
deshel01@homer.louisville.edu         |        
103560.1177@compuserve.com            |          
KE4FPS@WD9AGK.#SIN.IN.USA.NA (packet) |            
"Every Patient Deserves A Nurse!"     |
QRP ARCI #9079 FISTS #2103 QRP-L #142 |

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 22:50:26 -0500 (EST)
From: David E. Shelton <deshel01@homer.louisville.edu>
To: Low Power Amateur Radio Discussion <qrp-l@Lehigh.EDU>
Subject: FS: Argonaut II w/ Step Attenuator

Hello all, 

I have stepped into another Argonaut II model 535. This one is the best 
of the three which I have had the pleasure of owning. The Model 290 Step 
Attenuator is included in the package, this is very handle item for 
milliwatting. The rig is in EXCELLENT condition, very mint, and 
functionally even better. I just purchased a new Omni VI and my XYL says 
one of the rigs has to go to help pay towards the Omni VI (Hi Hi Hi). If 
interested this Argo II is going to the first op to contact me with $850 


David E. Shelton, RN, BSN  KE4FPS     |
University of Louisville, SON         |        	   
deshel01@homer.louisville.edu         |        
103560.1177@compuserve.com            |          
KE4FPS@WD9AGK.#SIN.IN.USA.NA (packet) |            
"Every Patient Deserves A Nurse!"     |
QRP ARCI #9079 FISTS #2103 QRP-L #142 |