Century 21 or 22 ???
Vernon A. Hatley
Wed, 3 Apr 1996 08:38:50 -0500
On Apr 02, 1996 10:28:53, 'Kevin Anderson
<anderson@ncrsun1.ncr.usace.army.mil>' wrote:
>Hi gang, I'm new to the Ten Tec list. I joined as I need
>to replace my only rig (a Heath HW-16 that has lost too
>many electrolytics I cant't replace), and I am considering
>a Ten Tec for the quality and available service.
>I am considering buying a used Century 21 or 22 from Ten
>Tec through their used service. That appears to be all
>I can afford. Some questions:
>Go with the 22 or is a 21 okay?
>If a 21, digital or analog (I've heard of dial cord stretching,
>etc., problems with the analog)?
>Are the Century's DC or superhet? If DC, is the filtering
>good to help with cutting double signal?
>40m will be my main band. Are the Century's selective and
>sensitive enough to deal with today's 40m band?
>Answers to these and any other information welcome.
>Thanks. Cheers/73. Kevin, KB9IUA
>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
>Kevin L. Anderson, CENCR-PD-W, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
>Rock Island District Office, Planning Div.-Waterway Systems
>Rock Island, Illinois 61204-2004, USA phone:(309) 794-5586
>e-mail: anderson@ncrsun1.ncr.usace.army.mil
>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
>Opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent the
>U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or the Federal Government.
I've been using a C-21 for about a year with great success. There is
no cord in the analog C-21; it is all gear driven. So you don't need to
worry about that at all. I do have a problem with broadcast stations on 40
meter though. A very BIG problem. Basically after 6 pm, I can't use 40
meter at all with the C-21. Other than that, no problems. I have worked
30 countries with it so 25-30 watts is plenty. Hope this helps.
KK5RO Butternut Vertical
Vernon A. Hatley Oak Hills Explorer II
QRP-L #325