Omni VI Mod

Fri, 05 Apr 96 06:13:25 UTC

Message-Id: 14383_ka2tcq
From: kc1wv@ka2tcq (Craig)

Greetings to all on the net. I recently fixed a problem with my Omni VI
that has been annoying since day one. My shack is carpeted and whenevery
I had a static discharge into the Omni, the receiver would go silent.
I usually could hit PTT and things would return to normal. At times it
required powering the rig down. I spoke with Paul Clinton at Ten-Tec
and he told me this was a very rare problem. But it did tell me that
for the past 6 months they were installing a ground lug under the
encoder shaft and running it to ground. Seems the encoder was mounted 
in the front board with no ground lines to protect the logic board.
After removing the top and bottom cover, you can hinge the front face
down and access the encoder. After removing it, I installed a lug behind
the front face and the encoder. Ran a wire to a lug and under a screw on
the chassis behind the front panel. It totally fixed the problem, I have
not been able to cause this again.
                              Thanks and 73, Craig KC1WV