Looking for Herc II & Power supply

Steve Zettel zettel@homer.libby.org
Fri, 5 Apr 1996 00:47:51 -0600

Thanks to our host, Bill KM9P, I am the proud new owner of an OMNI VI. Jim,
AH6NB, recently sold me his Model 253 Autotuner. But I missed out on the
Hercules II and power supply that Dick N5XRD, recently advertised here
(beaten out by a local!). I'm still looking for a clean used Herc II, with
power supply would be nice, but not necessary. Keep me in mind!

Thanks es 73,

Steve Zettel  KJ7CH                      kj7ch@libby.org
Libby, MT  USA                  steve.m.zettel@usace.army.mil
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