New Omni owner...
Vernon A. Hatley
Sun, 7 Apr 1996 17:02:11 -0400
Hello gang,
I've had Ten-Tec rigs since I first got my license way back in May of
1995. :-) Had an old Century 21; and loved it. Last week though, I
finally made the jump to an Omni V; boy, what a rig. I can't believe how
much better is sounds than my old C-21. Anyway, I have a couple of
questions about it.
Filters: It has the 2.4 khz, 1.8 khz, and the .50 hz installed in the 6.3
mhz IF. None in the 9 mhz IF. I work 98% CW, so I was wondering if it
would be worth it for me to install the .50 hz filter in the 9 mhz IF?
What about the .25 hz in the last slot of the 6.3? Some people tell me the
.25 hz rings too much to be useful; is this true? Would the second .50 hz
filter in the 9 mhz make it even more selective?
FM: Is the FM board still available from Ten-Tec? Several of my friends
say 10 mtr FM is a blast in the spring and summer when sporatic E is
active. Or does anyone here have an FM board they would sell me cheap?
QRP: I operate QRP some; is there a way to get the power down to the 5
watts level on the Omni?
Thanks ex 73
KK5RO Butternut Vertical
Vernon A. Hatley OHR Explorer II 40M
QRP-L #325 Ten-Tec Omni V