Auto tuner, was Re: Omni V for QRP

Del Seay
Tue, 13 Aug 1996 10:54:49 -0700

Jim Hollenback wrote:
> It won't be the bean counters that put them out of business, it will be
> their engineering and manufacturing.
> I pointed out for over a year the need for slower RIT tuning on the OMNI-VI.
> "Thanks, we'll think about it".
> Pointed out the need for a clear button on the RIT to set it back to zero.
> "Thanks for the input"
> Pointed out the lock button locks BOTH VFO's, not just the one your on.
> "Gee, is that true?"
> Pointed out the computer control is brain damaged.
> "Really? we haven't seen that problem"
> Basically gave up in disgust.
> For over a year I know I was calling them with ZERO response. Finally after
> a major TT BBQ on cq-contest reflector regarding the OMNI-VI, guess what?
> yep, "We made an improvement in the ROM for the OMNI-VI", but the computer
> control is still brain damaged. Many of the top ops buy the OMNI and a
> couple months later sell it because of the brain damaged micro. Others
> complain about the QSK and frequency readouts. Don't hear that about the
> rice boxes. Even the ones sold in truck stops.
> The pulse they have their finger on is the rag chewing crowd, not the
> crowd that pushes things to the limit. And I'm not really convinced they
> truely understand the way hams use the equipment.
> Support? every time I call about a problem the answer is "You might try
> soldering all the connections on the board. I find a lot of cold solder
> joints". This is from the TT tech. Man, TT must have really crappy QC in
> their manufacturing process. Makes me wonder about the gear I have now.
> Starting to really think the next rig will be from the land of the rising
> sun.
> 73, Jim, WA6SDM

Hmmmmm, All of those you reported, with the exception of the "pumping"
qsk, my OMNI-6 has no problem with. And - I have always found the
engineering dep't to be much more helpful than the U.S. reps of the
rice boxes.

I check my digital readout every couple of months with a counter, and it
hasn't moved yet. Computer control works exactly as specified. I
used it with CT during the WAE, and it never missed a beat.

The RIT rate per revolution is adjustable. The clear button does not
work during transmit (That is a problem).

All in all, I am happy with mine. And yes - I have used most of the
so called "JA super rigs".

There are places they could improve. QSK was great on the OMNI-V, not
so in the six. And the keying waveform has a very steep "front-porch",
and is not adjustable. But - it doesn't chirp like the JA rigs!

Anyway - maybe I have a jaded view, but certainly don't want a radio
with as much phase noise as the current crop of super rigs. Nor do
I wish to send a radio back when it quits. I hear horror stories
about shipping radios back for repair. Never have understood why a
ham would ship a radio to someone else to fix!

Oh-Oh, I will probably get hung in effigy for that comment. Oh Well.

See you guys in the pileups. 
de KL7HF