Auto tuner, was Re: Omni V for QRP
C. J. Hawley
Tue, 13 Aug 1996 15:42:31 -0500
Jim Hollenback wrote:
> On Aug 13, 5:37pm, Jim Sheffield wrote:snip
> > Ten-Tec has their "finger on the pulse" of what hams REALLY
> > want. First company in a long time (IMO, since R.L. Drake) to
> > truly understand and support hams. Let's all hope that the bean
> > counters and the pressures of marketing in our fiercely capitalistic
> > society don't put them out of business. 73, Jim, KB7ET
> >-- End of excerpt from Jim Sheffield
> It won't be the bean counters that put them out of business, it will be
> their engineering and manufacturing.
> I pointed out for over a year the need for slower RIT tuning on the OMNI-VI.
> "Thanks, we'll think about it".
> Pointed out the need for a clear button on the RIT to set it back to zero.
> "Thanks for the input"
> Pointed out the lock button locks BOTH VFO's, not just the one your on.
> "Gee, is that true?"
> Pointed out the computer control is brain damaged.
> "Really? we haven't seen that problem"
This reminds me of something that I've noticed in my conversations with a couple
of TT guys over the phone and at Dayton. I had the distinct impression that they
did not have first hand knowledge about the equipment I was asking about....even
tho one said that he had the unit at home. He surely did not use it as 'in depth'
as I did. My experience with the guys at Yaesu and KW left me thinking that they
had a lot of hands on with the stuff I was asking about and they answered my
questions. Maybe TT doesn't let you talk to the people who actually do the work
and/or use the stuff and the others (repair depts) do. Just a thought.
I'm not upset with them as you seem to be, but I do worry about their future in
ham gear. I'm glad to see the kits come out....every report that I've heard is
basically positive. I hope it makes them some bucks. I think I might try the 6M
xceiver when it's out.
By the way, I have had the feeling that Yaesu has their 'finger on the pulse' by
the way that they designed the control ckts on the 990. For example, receive
antenna switchable from the FP, easy to decode band data, req to transmit and ok
to transmit signals on the back which makes QSK easier with a linear, etc. Maybe
I just haven't found the bad features yet.
Chuck, KE9UW