Auto tuner, was Re: Omni V for QRP
Jim Hollenback
Tue, 13 Aug 1996 12:49:59 -0700
On Aug 13, 10:54am, Del Seay wrote:
> Subject: Re: Auto tuner, was Re: Omni V for QRP
> Jim Hollenback wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > It won't be the bean counters that put them out of business, it will be
> > their engineering and manufacturing.
> >
> > I pointed out for over a year the need for slower RIT tuning on the
> > "Thanks, we'll think about it".
> >
> > Pointed out the need for a clear button on the RIT to set it back to zero.
> > "Thanks for the input"
> >
> > Pointed out the lock button locks BOTH VFO's, not just the one your on.
> > "Gee, is that true?"
> >
> > Pointed out the computer control is brain damaged.
> > "Really? we haven't seen that problem"
> >
<snipped my own stuff>
> Hmmmmm, All of those you reported, with the exception of the "pumping"
> qsk, my OMNI-6 has no problem with. And - I have always found the
> engineering dep't to be much more helpful than the U.S. reps of the
> rice boxes.
They were there before the new ROM, which I did get a beta copy of and tried.
It corrected the problems. I have not experienced the "pumping qsk", nor
the howling filters other reported. Which, it seems, the fix was figured
out by the users not the factory.
> I check my digital readout every couple of months with a counter, and it
> hasn't moved yet. Computer control works exactly as specified. I
> used it with CT during the WAE, and it never missed a beat.
Must admit my dial is dead on with WWV, but others seem to complain
about drifting dials. CT seems to work, Writelog is not very hot and
folks have reported problems with NA and TRlog. Either Ken got something
out of the factory or he understands the RS-232 better than the other
authors, or there are radio to radio differences in how the RS-232 is
handled. WF1B also works fine here, but then from my experience with
WriteLog I keep the interface speed at 2400 baud. Higher and the radio
main dial locks up at 0.85khz per rev. The symtoms other users report
with NA and TR are just like the problems I had with WriteLog. TT was
not interested in looking at the problem.
> The RIT rate per revolution is adjustable. The clear button does not
> work during transmit (That is a problem).
Before the new ROM the rate was what you wanted, as long as it was
5 kHz/turn. Now there are several selections ranging from to fast, just
right and to slow. On RTTY, and I think SSB, the clear button will work, on
CW the micro is "to busy".
> All in all, I am happy with mine. And yes - I have used most of the
> so called "JA super rigs".
I'm not really looking to get rid of mine either, but will consider others
real seriously first. At least I can go and "kick the tires" on other radios
but with TT I'm stuck for at least shipping both ways. The constant "you
can try re-soldering the circuit board" from the support folks have really
made me wonder about the manufacturing processes. I would expect that to
be about the LAST thing suggested, if it was suggested at all. But to balance,
I've had some good repair experiences.
> There are places they could improve. QSK was great on the OMNI-V, not
> so in the six. And the keying waveform has a very steep "front-porch",
> and is not adjustable. But - it doesn't chirp like the JA rigs!
> Anyway - maybe I have a jaded view, but certainly don't want a radio
> with as much phase noise as the current crop of super rigs. Nor do
> I wish to send a radio back when it quits. I hear horror stories
> about shipping radios back for repair. Never have understood why a
> ham would ship a radio to someone else to fix!
because he does not have the specturm analyzer, frequency counters,
and sweep generators to check out and adjust the circuits? I'm in that
position, and there is no Heathkit I can turn to solve the problem for
a price I can afford. And I would not be comfortable buying something
like that off the back of a pickup ... even if it was "real cheap".
> Oh-Oh, I will probably get hung in effigy for that comment. Oh Well.
No, I won't hang you for that one. Some of the radios today are a bit
past the VOM stage for repair.
73, Jim, WA6SDM