580 Delta bias adj to Finals?

Lynn Stolz lstolz@tekelec.com
Mon, 26 Aug 1996 08:59:22 -0400

Scott Robbins, KY2P 
Ten-Tec Customer Service

Hello Scott,

Maybe you can answer the following question or ask one of the other
technicians for the answer.

I have a 580 Delta transceiver.  I recently found a noise blanker 
and installed it.  While installing the noise blanker, I accidently
bumped the final bias adjustment pot, R23, which is located just above
where the N/B PCB goes.  I later noticed that the transceiver was
drawing close to 7 amps of current on key-down/PTT with no signal. That
certainly didn't seem right.

I adjusted it back to around 1.5 amps so the finals aren't drawing so
much current, but I can't find anywhere in the 580 Delta manual what the
proper setting is for the final bias adjustment.

Any help would be appreciated.  I have also copied this to the tentec
enthusiast reflector.  Possibly someone there knows the answer.


Lynn Stolz  N8AJ - lstolz@tekelec.com