New QRP transceiver
Paul Helbert
Mon, 2 Dec 1996 19:52:22 -0700
Hello Toshi,
I don't think all the information you seek has been released yet, but I'll
try to tell you what I know. I visited the Ten Tec plant about a month ago
and was shown the 40 meter version of the rig. It is not one kit, but a
series of monobanders, one each for 80, 40, 30, and 20 meters. My
understanding is that the rigs are ready to ship except for the final
versions of the manuals. Test rigs are being built from the draft manuals
in order to catch any errors and shipping for the 40 meter version is no
more than two weeks away.
Size is 2.5" high x 6.0" wide x 5.5" deep. (Sorry about the inches.) Mode
is CW full QSK and it will work with a key or keyer. It can be built to
tune any 50 kHz portion of its band and has no real frequency read
out...only a pointer on the tune knob. The VFO is varactor tuned and
temperature compensated. There is a RIT, and AGC is audio-derived. (I do
not know if there is a means for defeating the AGC but will surely build one
into mine if possible.) There is a built in speaker (with earphone jack
shut-off) and it has side tone. The receiver is a dual conversion superhet
with 4-pole crystal IF filter giving a receive bandwith of 1 kHz. RF power
output is nominally 3 watts. Input is 12-14 volts 30 mA receive and 800 mA
transmit. Price is $99.00 I think.
I already ordered mine!
Paul - Wv3j
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