Are Ten-tecs really so good
4 Dec 1996 12:12:25 -0600
My Scout is as sensitive as my Kenwood 450 or more so; and some of the kit QRP
rigs others have reported on on QRP List are more sensitive than the most
expensive Yaecomwood models! (MXM Industries 40M Simple Transceiver and
Any brand new model is inevitably going to have some quirk that can't be
foreseen by the designers that some more clever group of ham tinkerers might
find a way to work around and fix. I usually try not to buy the earliest
production of ANYTHING, even VCR's and TV's for that reason, unless I want it
so bad I can live with "bugs".
The performance of modern solid state is so much better than the production of
the 50's that the smallest nit pick today looks like an elephant by comparison
to what we had before.
As long as you get a TT model VI with the latest ROMS and software, and that
goes for any rig; you will get the most for your money. Beware, if buying a
used piece that it is not some unserviceable ROM unit like an Icom 751. The
Yaecomwood folks do not indefinitely support their products; but TT supports
most longer than any others. They may not be assembled with the neatness of
Robot assembly, but there is enough room to work inside them, and on them with
human hands which is more than you can say about my Kenwood, my Icom 24, etc.
Plus, you are buying American, which is the only thing that will ever revive
the diversity of American electronics we had before the import craze.
73, Stuart K5KVH
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