FS: Omni D and 252 PS

William.Redfearn.redfearn@nt.com William.Redfearn.redfearn@nt.com
Wed, 4 Dec 1996 14:22:00 +0000

For Sale:

Ten-Tec Omni D, series B and 252 Power Supply
VFO control, digital display
160 - 10 Meters, 30 meter receive
0-100 watts output (adjustable)
2.4 Khz, 1.8 Khz, and 500 Hz crystal filters
audio CW filter, audio notch
Full break-in on CW
Everything in good condition, some slight scratches.
Everything works, good beginner's rig.

$425.00 + shipping USA

Standard 508A dual band mini HT
2 meters and 440
100 milliwatts output
runs on 2 AA batteries
with earphone mike, Comet SMA antenna, extra batteries,
SMA to BNC adaptor cable, original rubber duck, and manual (no box).
good to excellent condition, little use, works fine.

$280.00 + shipping USA

Yaesu FV-101Z Remote VFO
with manual, slight scrathes on case, front panel clean.

$50.00 + shipping USA

For local pickup: These will be at the Greensboro, NC Hamfest
7 Dec 1996.

73 - Dave.

Dave Redfearn, Sr RF Engineer     NORTEL   RTP, NC.
ph.(919) 992-3925  email: william.redfearn.cmwdr01@nt.com
qrl? de N4ELM/qrp

All opinions are my own, no one else wants them.

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