Paragon processor noise in audio

Joseph E Pursley
Fri, 06 Dec 1996 11:16:15 EST

Attention: Paul R Clinton, Service Manager

Hopefully you will recall my letters concerning problems with Paragon #
000200 , your invoice  47322 dated 11/6/96.

In our most recent exchange I mentioned that the processor noise was
still present  in the audio when operating the optio tuning device. This
morning while pursuing the problem I found that the noise was completely
gone when the Voice card (model 257) was removed. Overall improvement was
remarkable. I have been studying the schematic and it appears that U 10
may have too much gain and that there may be some bypassing required else
ware.  The EPROM installed is Ten-Tec 98190 Voice-1. Possibly there may
have been an improvement in that area also. I was thinking I might check
the board on another rig i.e. my Omni VI however I am not sure the board
and software are compatable..

Your comments and possible corrections to this problem would be
A more expedient means of communication would be over the internet
I can be contacted at   KF5MC@JUNO.COM.       Home phone is 512 243 2289

Respectfully:   Joe Pursley   KF5MC

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