Paragon vs. Omni

Walter Spector
Wed, 11 Dec 1996 11:22:02 -0800

Greetings TT fans,

Steve Ellington <> writes:
> Of course, the Paragon has it all over the Omni when you want to recieve
> the BBC on 9.5mhz! 

A few questions about the Omni-VI (hopefully my next HF rig...):

Has TT considered including a crystal deck for optional band
coverage (ala Collins 75S-3C/32S-3A or my Drake R4C/T4XC)?

Would one also have to install custom bandpass filters, such as what
apparently is inside a Scout band module?  The Collins/Drake rigs
of old had adjustable preselectors so this wasn't a big issue.

Otherwise, what happens to my Omni-VI when 40 meters is someday
reallocated to, for example, 6.9-7.2.  Or if we get a new band?

> I think the best solution is to have them both.

Or continue to lust after that cool looking WJ HF-1000...

Also, speaking of the Scout, how easy is it to modify a band
module for coverage outside the ham bands for SWLing or using
a transverter?  Has anyone done this?

Walt kk6nr
Walt Spector
Mountain View, Cal.
_._ _._ _.... _. ._.

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