Computer interface
Jan & Del Seay
Tue, 24 Dec 1996 14:46:51 -0800
Gordon Hamilton VE7ON wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have been trying to hook up my Omni VI to use both the computer interface
> (25 pin connector) and the remote tuning unit (model 301) both at the same
> time. The manual says to use a "Y" adapter. Well I don't know about
> Tennasee but there is no such animal around here. Not giving up I built
> one out of do it yourself DB 25 connectors and lots of patients. Well of
> course it didn't work. I tested my adapter very carefully and am sure it's
> right. With further resurch I find that both functions share pin 6. The
> computer works fine with or without the "Y" installed but the 301 only works
> if the computer serial cable is disconnected.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?
> 73 and Merry Christmas
> Gord, VE7ON
I haven't seen in the manual, where it suggests a "Y" connector.
Obviously - That Dog Won't Hunt!
Voltage from one will certainly conflict with the other.
I think they suggest using the 2-wire serial port for the
second device. And - that requires some sort of an adapter
to use. Check with the gang at T-T, they'll be able to walk you
through it.
I am curious if anyone has written software yet to control the
OMNI-6 from a pc? I've done it with CT, but it would be nice
to have software with an OMNI faceplate and up/down buttons, Etc.
I'm not PC literate enough to take on that project.
See ya' de kl7hf
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