OMNI V vs OMNI VI knobs

Scott Rosenfeld NF3I
Tue, 23 Jul 1996 21:11:43 +1030

The OMNI V optical shaft encoder is stiff stiff stiff.  The knob simply 
attaches to it.

The OMNI VI optical shaft encoder is loose loose loose.  Friction is 
variable and is derived from a mechanism on the back of the knob.  The 
OMNI VI's knob is also very heavy compared to the V's knob.

* Scott Rosenfeld NF3I Burtonsville, MD FM19mc QRV 80-10/6/2/440 *
*** 6m 75 grids worked on 8 watts *** HF 138 cfmd * QRP-L #147 ***
** QRP ARCI #9054 ** DXCC/WAS/WAC *** 100% dipole powered HF/6m **
* 301-549-1022 h / 301-982-1015 w *** 145.490- 147.225+ PL 156.7 *

On Tue, 23 Jul 1996, Del Seay wrote:

> Scott Rosenfeld NF3I wrote:
> > 
> > Learn to use the "fast" button.  The knob is still and the encoder was
> > designed that way.  No friction adjustment can be made.
> > Scott: Isn't the knob on the Five the same as on the Six?
> You can adjust the drag on the OMNI-6 by holding the skirt and
> turning the main portion of the knob. I never tried it on the
> OMNI-V when I had it, but the two knobs look alike!
> de KL7HF