Omni 6 ringing filters / RF gain

Clark Savage Turner WA3JPG
Fri, 14 Jun 1996 12:23:28 -0700

Steve's suggestion about the caps on the IF board are very welcome.
I plan to go in and take care of that one this weekend!

Now, I know I have mentioned this before, and have not followed 
up on it.....but has anyone bolstered the gain in the 1st IF
when the NAR button is hit for the narrow filter there?  
I figure the OMNI needs another clean 10 db of gain in that stage,
more or less, when the 500 Hz filter is used, maybe a bit more
when the 250 Hz filter is used.  The switch in there that can
set the gain for the CW or SSB filters just doesn't have enough
gain to bring the weak ones out as it stands.

I still use an outboard preamp to dig out the weak ones when the 
NAR button is pressed.  The signal to noise ratio is increased so 
very well with the 500 Hz and 250 Hz filter combination, that 
the extra gain really gives me something!

Anyone tackle this problem with an internal mod of some sort?
If I finally finish this thesis I am writing, I may even talk
to the Ten Tec guys to see what they suggest.


P.S. I just had a chance to swap my OMNI VI for a Yaesu FT 1000
even up.  The 1000 is a very nice radio, very nice indeed, but
when operating the OMNI I felt some edge on CW.  I declined,
though for casual SSB operation the 1000 took the cake.