Ten Tec design philosophy.

Conway Yee yee@mipg.upenn.edu
Thu, 27 Jun 1996 17:39:40 -0400

Continuing my points comparing the Corsair II with the Yaesu FT101E
which is a bit older in design...

Comparing Yaesu design philosophy with TenTec's, Yaesu made most of
its boards fit into sockets.  This makes removing boards for testing
and maintenance absolutely idiot-proof.  Having 2 101's makes
diagnosing problems trivially simple since all I have to do is to swap
boards until the problem goes away.  I have always thought of practice
of using computer sockets to be an absolutely brilliant idea.  TenTec
prefers to use a greater number of boards (thus improving signal
isolation, I suppose) but connecting them using wire jumpers.  I have
thought about it and think that this approach MAY be more cost
effective but at the expense of reliability and ease of mantenance.
There is also the likelihood that TenTec's approach uses up the
limited real estate in an HF rig in a more wasteful fashion since
Yaesu's PC boards can be (and are) stacked up vertically right next to
each other.

Comments anyone?