Various Ten Tec questions
Clark Savage Turner WA3JPG
Wed, 27 Mar 1996 16:47:34 -0800
Bill writes:
> I might be interested in selling my Omni-6 but I bet you could get a better
> deal from someone else. I keep looking at the Yaesu 1000MP... I know I
> won't like it as much on CW, but I also figure it won't be as clunky to use
> in a contest. I just can't get used to the Omni-6 going to sleep while
> TXing on CW. Anyone know what an Omni-6 used is worth? I have dual 500hz
> CW filters.
First, what do you mean by the Omni-6 "going to sleep"? I do understand
the clunkiness factor versus the smoother Japanese rigs. I swapped
a Kenmore 940 and amp for my Omni, and the 940 had its smoothness
advantages for sure.
I have been looking at used Omni prices for a few months. I got mine
with two extra filters, it was less than a year old. I swapped a
Kenmore appliance, the 940 with 4 IRCI filters and switchboards,
and a Heath SB 200 with new tubes. I figured the deal to be worth
over $1600 and under $1800. The other Omni-6's I have seen advertised
were priced around that. The fellow I got my Omni from had bought it
from Henry Radio a month before (he just plain did not like the
rig) for $2k. I did not get a power supply with mine, but it did
include a mike. I found a matching supply later and got all the
filters on the used market. I miss my 940 sometimes but am
generally happy with the swap.
Good luck. I know several other fellows looking for the Omni.