[TenTec] OMNI VI fade out

Steve Ellington n4lq@iglou.com
Sat, 16 Aug 1997 18:00:18 -0400

Hi Jim. I've traced down some problems like that. Most likely its' a
transistor flakeing out. Your going to have to narrow down the location
of the problem. I would remove the top and bottom covers and wait for it
to die. Then I would inject a signal of the approiate frequency into
each stage beginning with the IF/AF board and work my way back toward
the antenna. When the bad stage is located, you can then attempt to
determine the defective component. Sometimes one can just touch a meter
probe on a lead of the bad part and it will zap back to life. Other
times a shot of circuit cooler will trigger it and help locate the
bugger. Of course I wouldn't discount the posibility of a loose
connector somewhere so it might pay to try reseating them first.

Have fun and don't give up, you'll find it!

Steve N4LQ

Jim McDonald N7US wrote:

> Anyone have experience with an OMNI VI with the receiver all of a
> sudden fading out (i.e., sensitivity-wise, not just audio).  I can
> usually get it back by turning it off and then on,.  Otherwise it's
> fine.  Thanks for any ideas.
> 73, Jim N7US
> --
> Jim McDonald N7US
> Albuquerque, New Mexico
> n7us@mci2000.com
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