[TenTec] Re:

Chester Alderman chestert@pressroom.com
Tue, 19 Aug 1997 07:00:23 -0400

There may be a written 'standard' for this, but my experience is that it's
pretty much ignored. Typically, if the DX station just says 'up', they mean
1 kc. If the pile up is pretty heavy, good DX cw ops will specify where he
is listening, i.e., 'up 3'. But what you are doing, that is, listening for
the pile up, is always a good idea. Sometimes when I can't seem to break a
pile up, I listen to the dx station and to the person he is working, for
about three or four minutes, to get an idea of how the dx op is working the
pile up. Once you latch on to his operating method, you then can move to
the 'next spot' he will be listening. The key is to LISTEN and be flexible.

At 08:55 PM 8/18/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Ok, I'm copying (30m) PO8/DL5LYM (up).  How far is standard up for cw.  I'm
>not getting a pileup anywhere near above him.  I'm not even sure who it is...
>a german operating in Indonesia?  Yes, I am confused...:)
><									   >
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Chester Alderman
Tom - W4BQF

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