[TenTec] Getting service for a Ten-Tec?

NW9G nw9g@netusa1.net
Sat, 06 Dec 1997 04:28:10 -0500

At 10:25 AM 12/6/97 -0800, Clark Savage Turner WA3JPG wrote:
>> In <66bqf1$8jm@nntp02.primenet.com> kenk@primenet.com (Ken Knecht) writes:
>> >I'm trying to find a repair center to get my old Ten-Tec Century/21
fixed. The 
>> >dial doesn't turn with the knob. Despite a handful of spline, allen,
>> >and regular screwdrivers of various sizes I can't loosen the knob
set-screw so 
>> >I can take things apart and see what's wrong.
>> >Anyhow, to get authorization to send them the transceiver for repair, I 
>> >emailed Ten-Tec three times, no response. Called, was told someone
would get 
>> >back to me, nobody did. Sent them a snail mail with my snail and email
>> >and phone number two weeks ago, no response. I'm afraid to ship it - I'll 
>> >probably get it back untouched shipped collect because I have no return 
>> >authorization number. I think the "legendary" service mentioned in
their ads 
>> >should be more accurately changed to "mythological". Guess what brand
of ham 
>> >radio equipment I'll never buy again?

All you need to do is just send the rig to Ten Tec with a note describing what
you want done to it with a return address and phone number incase they need
call you.  I have done this for nearly 18 years with them.  I have never once
had any problems in shipping over 20 rigs to them.  They have on an
occasion called
me with a problem they found with the rig that I didn't know about and I
just told
them to fix that too.  Larry worth called one day and said that UPS drove a
truck tonge into the face of my Corsair about 10 inches deep and nearly
it beyond repair.  Larry said since I had it insured, I could go through
UPS for
the insurance or he offered to fix everything for $40 extra at my cost.  I
for the latter not having to hassle with UPS.  Outstanding service.  Don't
them expecting to get in touch with the service dept.  You need to call the
distance number if you want to get some kind of confirmation.  But they
will just
tell you to send it with a note.  Best service track record in the business
far.  And you know what rigs I will never buy again......(japs).  
Just trust them, they are not out to take your money or time.  I have even
them and dropped off a rig for repair and they had it fixed for me the next
Three days ago, without even calling them, I just shipped an Omni to them
even calling......trusting, aren't I??
73 and keep Ten Tec'n guys.....Steve....NW9G

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