[TenTec] Enlightening the uninformed

John Buckham ke6pid@earthlink.net
Sat, 06 Dec 1997 20:54:27 -0800

Joseph Koppi wrote:
> With regard to Dale, KG5U's comment, "consider it a matter of enlightening
> the uninformed," I agree, I agree, I agree.  Regrettably, in my opinion, it
> is the greater ham population that appears to be uninformed and in need of
> enlightenment more than the folks on Wall Street.

Oh, so right you are.

It's piquant to note my HF station is almost completely equipped with
equipment all but 
unavailable form ham radio retailers and under represented in
advertising within major 
amateur radio rags.  I use a GAP vertical, Mosely beam, Kent keyer,
Tentec Onmi 
transceiver, Centurion amp, 2KW tuner and power supply.  All is
satisfactory.  It's also 
interesting to note that although these vendors have some of the finest
equipment to offer, 
their advertising isn't nearly as eye catching as Yacomwoods. 
Advertising works, so 
people buy what they see.  Once they have bought it, it's only human
nature to venerate 
what they have.  Since most will never present their equipment for
comparison, most will 
never know what's lacking.  Most of my amateur brethren are feature
counters-it's what 
they can quantize.  Also,  because of expert "specmanship" little is
revealed about how 
equipment will perform in the real world of amateur radio.  Besides,
performance only 
counts as one feature, if that.

The silver lining is that we get better equipment for less than
competitive "mass market" 
gear because we aren't paying for that fancy storefront, flooring
interest, heavy advertising 
costs or the salesman's commission (well, maybe Scott's, but he's like
family :-)) 

So I guess the best thing to do is to tell your friends, take your
equipment out on Field 
Day, show it off and let it shine, also on your QSO's let 'em know what
you've got.  When 
I tell my contacts I'm using Ten-Tec they seem to get quite interested. 
This kind of 
advertising can't be bought!

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