[TenTec] Corsair II

Nr5q Nr5q@aol.com
Sat, 20 Dec 1997 14:10:23 EST

I have an unusual problem with my Corsair II. I work CW only. Some signals
sound "chirpy"-- but not all. I would say that perhaps 40 to 50 percent of the
signals have a chirp. The chirp does not seem to be realted to the incoming
signal strength. Some very strong signals are clean...others chirp like a
Canary on steroids. 

Some weak signals are chirpy--others not. The chirtps do not seem to be
frequency related--it occurs on all bands. I traded for the Corsair recently
and suspect it is nothing but a case of the 'stupids."  Can anyone tell me
what I am doing wrong. 

I have several other rigs--including an Omni V--and none have this problem. 

Thanks for any help or ideas. Oh sure, I can send it in..but the problem is
probably  operator related.


Bruce, NR5Q

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