[TenTec] Corsair II - PTO time!!!!

NW9G nw9g@netusa1.net
Sat, 20 Dec 1997 16:18:30 -0500

At 02:10 PM 12/20/97 EST, Nr5q wrote:
>I have an unusual problem with my Corsair II. I work CW only. Some signals
>sound "chirpy"-- but not all. I would say that perhaps 40 to 50 percent of
>signals have a chirp. The chirp does not seem to be realted to the incoming
>signal strength. Some very strong signals are clean...others chirp like a
>Canary on steroids. 
>Some weak signals are chirpy--others not. The chirtps do not seem to be
>frequency related--it occurs on all bands. I traded for the Corsair recently
>and suspect it is nothing but a case of the 'stupids."  Can anyone tell me
>what I am doing wrong. 
>I have several other rigs--including an Omni V--and none have this problem. 
>Thanks for any help or ideas. Oh sure, I can send it in..but the problem is
>probably  operator related.
>Bruce, NR5Q

Bruce, it sounds to me that maybe your pto needs rebuilt.  That is usually
happens when the pto wears out.  Most pto's last for about 5 to 6 years
with lots
of use.  The new kits now come with steel races and shafts instead of
original brass 
(which wear out faster).  One of my other ten tec rigs started to sound
and sometimes garbled.  At first it would not do it until the rig got warm
but then
the longer time went the fast it started doing it.  Hate to say this but on
Corsair, it is almost a complete tear down to get to that pto.  Some ten tec's
have the pto near the bottom and you can get to it easier.  I have rebuilt
20 of them and none are fun to do but all of them need it ever few years
on the use.  If buying a used ten tec that has a pto and the seller tells
you that
he has never replaced it and it doesn't need it, then rebuilding it is long
due or he is lying to you.  I have purchased many used ten tecs at hamfests
the first thing I do when I get home is call Ten Tec for a pto kit right away.
Rarely do I find one that does not need it.  Kits run around $25 and devote
least an hour do to it correctly if you have done it before and maybe 3
hours if
you have never looked at the inside of it.  Good luck and happy Ten Tec'n....

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