[TenTec] Ten Tec 301

George Arthur Talbot talbot@kmrmail.kmr.ll.mit.edu
Mon, 12 May 97 11:00:17+120

At 11:29 PM 5/9/97 -0400, you wrote:
>K7FL wrote:
>> >Really guys, I'll sell my 301 knob for $2500 or trade for a new Omni
>> >6 plus. Any takers?
>> >
>> >N4LQ
>> Umm, tempting. Is it in good shape?
>> Dennis, K7FL
>Picky Picky Picky. Here I offer one of the few remaining knobs for
>such a small sum and all I get is sceptical questions. Maybe I was too 

I'll give you $3000. Or would you take a Paragon I in trade?


(But first I'll have to find a 301 to go with it.)

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