[TenTec] Ten Tec 301
George Arthur Talbot
Mon, 12 May 97 11:21:21+120
This sounds very similar to the encoder in the Ten Tec 1220 rig. It has
three pins, +5 volts, Phase 1 and Phase 2. On the 1220 the two phases are
pulled to ground through 47K resistors and fed directly into the
microprocessor. I would assume that they are just pulsing the two phases to
Vcc. The 'clicks' on the encoder are fairly wide (about 5 degrees) and may
prove too coarse for an HF rig Tuning knob. Remember the 1220 just tunes in
5 KHz or 2.5 KHz steps.
The Ten Tec part number is: 32112 You would have to call them for the Price.
Can't be much as the whole kit is only $200.
If you want more info I can make some measurements.
>It will probably cost around 40-50 dollars.
>You want the Oak Grigsby encoder, model 90Q125-02-00245.
>The schematic is even simpler:
>Encoder: - = (ground)
> empty = nothing
> A = (phase 1)
> + = (+5v)
> B = (phase 2)
>(-, A, +, B = pin identifiers on the encoder)
>DB25(to radio): 1 and 14 = (ground)
> 6 = (Phase 1)
> 8 = (Phase 2)
> 16 = (+5v)
>Dale Martin, KG5U
George Ar�hur Talbo� V73GT AH8H ex WB6VPS ZD8GT ZD7GT ZD9CR
Raytheon Range Systems Engineering Support
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