[TenTec] OMNI-VI Transverter output mod?

Al Scanandoah aas@vectorbd.vivanet.com
Thu, 15 May 1997 16:50:21 +0000 (UTC)

On Wed, 14 May 1997, Warren Walsh wrote:

> My question to the group is, has anyone on the reflector modified their 
> OMNI-VI to provide a low power output for a transverter?

 Although this doesn't exactly answer the question, I've had excellent
 results running a transverter with my Omni V by building up an
 attenuator to place between the rig's output and the transverter's
 input, keeping the power out adjustment at minimum. I subsequently
 routed the transverter's IF out to the aux. RX antenna input so I
 wouldn't lose gain there. 

Al - wa2vez

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