[TenTec] T-Kit 1330 Problem

ka0yos@arn.net ka0yos@arn.net
Sun, 18 May 1997 01:07:13 -0500

My father, WA0EAF, is building a 1330 and has hit a snag.  He has completed
the VFO section and the output appears to be right where it should be
(proper frequency, tuning adjustment changes frequency, etc.).  His
frequency counter (Startek ? 1.3 GHz model) sees the VFO signal going into
C69 (5pF Ceramic Disk), but it sees nothing coming out.  The frequency can
be easily read going in on normal sensitivity, but coming out it can not be
read even on high sensitivity.  This is with the coming out leg of C69
completely disconnected from the board (a test described in the manual).  He
has removed C69 and tested it and it tests okay.  Since the lead is "flying"
(hanging in mid air) it isn't grounded or solder bridged to anything.

Any ideas?

Thanks and 73,
Joe ka0yos   ka0yos@arn.net

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