[TenTec] Omni 5 (used) OR Scout (new) - Best baptism?
Joseph Pursley
Mon, 10 Aug 1998 12:18:00 -0500
Get the Omni V. At least it will stay on frequency. CW is better and in
general its a more sophisticated rig..............Joe
Joseph Koppi wrote:
> >I'll start off by thanking the group for their patence in my quest for
> >the next toy.
> >
> >Question posed to the group:
> >
> >For a first non-QRP TenTec rig, would you recommend a new Scout or a used
> >Omni-5? Thoughts, both objective and subjective, would be eagerly
> >digested.
> >
> >Eric (K0AVW)
> Get an Omni V. A new Scout with the modules necessary to cover the same
> frequencies as an Omni V will cost approximately the same as a used Omni
> V--but with the Omni V you get lots more horsepower--not just power out,
> but all around performance.
> Joe Koppi, W0SU
> W0SU@pclink.com
> St. Paul, MN
> --
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