[TenTec] Re: FS: Power Mite PM3A
Sat, 22 Aug 1998 13:08:52 -0600
Thanks Glen,
I stand corrected... It does work very well when adjusted for a short delay.
I must admit that I haven't used the PM3A very much. It has spent much of
it's time on the shelve. Maybe someone else can put it to better use or is a
more dedicated collector..
73 ... Ken
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-tentec@contesting.com [mailto:owner-tentec@contesting.com]On
> Behalf Of AE0Q V31RY
> Sent: Saturday, August 22, 1998 8:51 AM
> To: TENTEC@contesting.com
> Subject: [TenTec] Re: FS: Power Mite PM3A
> At 00:21 22-08-98 -0600, VE5KC wrote:
> >
> >A great QRP rig and a collectors item made by Ten-Tec in their
> early days.
> >
> >Ten-Tec PM3A - Power Mite - 5 watts input, CW - QSK (full break in)
> Was there more than one version of the PM3A, or was one
> modified for "full
> break in" ? My PM3A (bought it new in '71) has a TR board inside with a
> relay and adjustable delay. That's SEMI-Breakin, not full breakin.
> 73 -- Glenn
> ---------------------------
> Another month ends... All targets met, all systems
> working, all customers satisfied, all staff eager and
> enthusiastic. All pigs fed and ready to fly.
> v31ry@ix.netcom.com --SOWP 5558-M, QCWA LM, ARRL LM, NCVA--
> http://www.qsl.net/ae0q/
> --
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