[TenTec] Regarding 1254 RX ... kudo's
Fri, 11 Dec 1998 09:13:51 EST
Hi Guys & Gals,
Regarding SW radio listings, search on ILGRADIO on the web--they have a free
database you can download, and look up stuff via freq., time, country,
whatever. I don't have the URL handy, but ILGRADIO should get you there.
73 & good swl'ing
Jim n0oct
In a message dated 98-12-10 18:40:22 EST, you write:
I concur on all the 1254 praise .... it has met and exceeded all of my
expectations and has succeeded in actually amazing me. I use it with
full size dx antennas in the nearest adjacent ham band (mono-band yagi's
or verticals over counterpoise or radial systems) and those SW
broadcasters come in as good/better than the local AM BCB stations on
the other radios in the place.
Now, can anyone give me a URL that contains a comprehensive SW broadcast
schedule matrix for the SWL community? Some of the broadcasters bury
their schedule so deep in their web sites as to be unreachable it seems.
73 de Chuck
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