[TenTec] WTB: TT238 Tuner, TT263 VFO

Chuck Sparks csparks@bigfoot.com
Fri, 27 Feb 1998 11:11:48 -0800

I have a friend here at work who is from Geermany for a long duration
work assignment. He has gotten himself a real nice Corsair II and would
like to add to his station with a TT238 tuner and a TT263 VFO to match
the rest of the rig.  The Corsair is in really nice condition and he
would appreciate the other equipment to look and work as well. If any of
you can part with these items, please get in touch with him direct. 

Achim Soelter  DF9WU
email:  achim.soelter@siemenscom.com
Work Phone: (512) 990-6139
Home Phone: (512) 835-9486

Thanks & 73,

Chuck Sparks K5TOQ

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