[TenTec] Language on 80 meters

James C. Owen, III owen@piper.eeel.nist.gov
Thu, 23 Jul 1998 16:04:50 -0500 (EST)

In message Thu, 23 Jul 1998 15:48:34 -0400,
  Tom Cooper <cooper@gmpvt.com>  writes:

> Actually, if you can copy it, some of those 40+ wpm ragchews on 80 and 40
> might surprise you by the coarseness of the language used, but since so
> few people can copy them it's hidden right out there in the open.
> Tom  W1EAT
The language you're speaking of on 75/40 and other bands is also a microcosm
of Americian Society. Do you not hear similar language daily on TV, and
Radio.  Listen to some of the talk shows.  It doesn't mean that someone who
would speak like this in public is not capable of passing a difficult theory
exam or even a 20 WPM code exam. If this is true, and I believe it is,  then
it means that ANY type of exam would not  prevent some of this type from
getting an amateur license.
   I think it's time to start winding down this thread or find other sites
to discuss it. Get in touch with your directors and express your views, it's
only a proposal at this point.
   73 Jim K4CGY

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