[TenTec] Thoughts re: Corsair II

n4nt - Mike Hyder n4nt@bnoc.net
Fri, 24 Jul 1998 16:25:41 -0400

It is for these reasons that I LOVE my 544, Argosies, Omni-C and Corsair
II.  I am even going to try to get up the gumption soon to do a lube job
on some of the PTO's. . .
73 de Mike N4NT@bigfoot.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Ellington <n4lq@iglou.com>
To: Lane C. Zeitler <km3g@cts.com>
Cc: east3rd@sj.bigger.net <east3rd@sj.bigger.net>; tentec@contesting.com
Date: Friday, July 24, 1998 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Thoughts re: Corsair II

>> Or an RIT!! Due to the software issue the dual vfo scheme
deteriorates the
>> QSK characteristics significantly. This was noted by users of the V,
>> reported back to TT, and fixed in the VI. Many users report "no
problem at
>> all" using the vfo split...but the QSK does deteriorate. TT service
>> department  will verify this if you ask them.
>Yes they fixed the lack of rit however, the way they fixed the slowed
>in split mode was to make qsk slower in non-split mode I know this is
>splitting but the Omni VI's qsk begins to fall apart above 50wpm. Many
>the qrq operators were dissapointed for this reason back when the SIX
>first introduced.
>Steve Ellington N4LQ@IGLOU.COM  Louisville, Ky

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