[TenTec] 1340 40m QRP kit -Reply

Paul Plasters PEPLASTERS@mail.rkd.snds.com
Tue, 02 Jun 1998 03:44:32 -0500

I am sure that Centurian will make those "QRPers" take notice ;-)
73 Paul

>>> "Ken Kreis, KA0W" <kia%netins.net@internet.rkd.snds.com>
06/01/98 09:11pm >>>
Would anyone care to share any good or bad comments about their
Model 1340
40m QRP transceiver kit?

So far I have heard only good comments about it on 40m. Over 200 parts
fit together in one box seems like a good deal for under $100?

(Maybe I can pacify some of the QRPer's by getting on 40m QRP after I
get my
Centurion delivered this week or next and on the air.)

Thank-you for your help, 73's

Ken Kreis, KA0W
Rudd, IA
E-mail: kia@netins.net

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