[TenTec] TenTec for 160M
Ronald D Rossi
Wed, 06 May 1998 15:35:00 -0400
>>>Clark Savage Turner WA3JPG said:
> I can only tell you which one to avoid. Do NOT buy the old
> OMNI-A or OMNI-D (series B or C) as they have very low
> sensitivity on 160, by design. It does not seem like that
> would be a problem on 160, but I found it to be so, even
> with very good antennas for top band. The Corsair I and
> II were much better, the OMNI V and VI are great.
Empirically only a problem if you have a descent antenna on 160m. I find that
there are many more stations I can hear than I can work. I have tried a short
top loaded vertical w/ 6 radial (pretty poor) and an 80m dipole matched for
160 fed with 450 Ohm line (even worse).
TT Omni-D Series B
> Clark
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