[TenTec] Windoze - was RE: Spelling

John Evans - N0HJ jaevans@codenet.net
Tue, 12 May 1998 11:01:19 -0600

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, P.E. wrote:

> I spell the name of Microsoft's pseudo operating system winDOZE because
> its so complex that it takes the worlds best PC and makes it run as if
> it was 5 years old...

There is a reason for this.  If the next version of any SW/OS is bigger,
requires more resources and runs slower on existing equipment, then
people will rush out and buy the latest hardware to run their sluggish
software.  The hardware makers want that - they want to sell more
computers.  Bill Gates, himself, said that the computer industry needs
Win98. Why??  Because it will give hardware makers/sellers/etc a boost
in the arm.  Why??  Because people will not want to run it on existing
hardware because it will be too slow.  Requirements??  When do people
look at requirements??  If they did, they would be using Z80 equipment
running CP/M, Wordstar, Lotus, etc.  Of course, other users and
will embrace the "new technology", forcing others to do the same because
there are subtle differences between versions (look at Word97 and Word
and they cannot share the same docs.

I step down from my soapbox - john - n0hj
John A. Evans                      Chief Systems Administrator
Office: (719) 528-1800 x164        Titan Software Systems
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