[TenTec] OMNI VI with INRAD filters

Clark Savage Turner turner@safety.ics.uci.edu
Thu, 15 Oct 1998 21:22:04 -0700

I forgot to mention why I am operating now, hi hi.  I just
got the other 400 Hz filter for the 9 MHz IF, so I now have
a pair of 400 Hz filters and one 250 Hz filter from INRAD 
in my OMNI VI (I also still have the NS 250 Hz filter for
the 9 MHz IF that has a 500 Hz center freq).  I gotta say
that they work very well, it is clear even to my naked ears
that these filters have steeper skirts and lower loss.  I
am very happy with them.  But, as has been stated before,
the NS filters from Ten Tec are very good filters (much better
than the monolithic filters from Japan stock in the Japanese
rigs by far...) - but these INRAD filters will make some 
real difference to you if you are under extremely difficult
conditions.  They cost more, too, but well worth it to me
for the ability to dig out weak ones next to strong ones.

Just waiting for the 160 meter contest!


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