[TenTec] Fw: Re: Just got my RX320
Thu, 15 Apr 1999 09:42:08 -0400
I'm forwarding this (I hope!) from Yahoo's rec.radio.amateur.equipment
NG. For
those prospective buyers of the T-T RX-320.
Jim, K4SQR
>Subject: Just got my RX320
>From: "mariner" <thousandislands@mediaone.net>
>Date: 4/14/99 11:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time
>Message-id: <j%cR2.9753$tY1.6913@wbnws01.ne.mediaone.net>
>Hi, Group:
>I ordered my RX320 yesterday (04/13) and got it today by FedEx
>overnight(Yep...they're in stock). Some first impressions:
>1) NO digital hash from my Gateway Select K6-2/366 or SONY Multiscan 15
>monitor. Noise floor is unbelieveable. Dead quiet.
>2) Nice construction of the unit. I expected kind of a cheesy box
>considering the price, but it's solid and well-built. What is cheesy,
>however, is the 9-pin cable included with it. Had to bend 2 of the pins
>into place before I could plug it in. Note that the included manual
>locating the black box as far away from the computer and monitor as
>possible. So why not include a 12' cable and audio patch cord???
>3) Whip is black, not chrome. And just barely worth the trouble of
>installing it.
>4) This radio rocks with an outdoor antenna. Mine is just a 40' random
>sloper, but with just that wire, it is extremely sensitive! In fact,
more so
>than my SONY ICF-2010.
>Reception is moderately better on DX signals like Radio Tirana and Radio
>Malawi. I know the 2010 attenuates signals when using the external
>jack, but I have been getting around it by using an Ameco TPA antenna
>tuner/preamp with the SONY, and it's great to pre-select frequency
ranges. I
>chose the TPA because it tunes into MW as well and I do some BCB DXing.
>try this setup with the RX-320 as well, even though the 320 attenuates
>signals. I'll hook up the 320 and the TPA and let 'em fight it out!
>5) I'm trying all three softwares (haven't sprung for ERGO yet):
>included software, KF5OJ's (great job!!), and Privalov. Yes, Ten-Tec's
>prettier, but Cliff's is hands-down better in terms of flexibility (all
>filters available; scheduler; and virtual squelch, volume and line-out
>pots). Time for an upgrade, Ten-Tec!
>6) Audio is exceptional, especially with a good sound card and Cambridge
>Soundworks 3-piece speaker system! Good to Very Good dynamic range so
>7) Caveat: These software installs do not let you choose a COM port
>than 4, and all four of mine are in use. I could install COM Port 5 and
>shift something over to it, but that's a pain. My 320 was immediately
hot on
>COM Port 1 out of the box. You should check before buying what ports are
>available to you, especially because this isn't a PlugNPlay setup, a
>consideration for WIN95/98 users.
>Michael N1XTV
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