[TenTec] filters

Steve Ellington n4lq@iglou.com
Wed, 21 Apr 1999 14:26:10 -0400 (EDT)

The only time I really needed the 500hz filter in cascade with the 500hz
or 250hz filter in the 2nd IF was during the 160m cw contest. Stations
running 1KW+++ with huge arrays all crammed into a narrow band results in 
the ultimate test for a receiver and even with all of that filtering it
was still rather noisey. I did manage to come in 2nd for KY so the
filters did help. 
> now which is a better filter, the TT filters or the Irad. What offers the
> best performance for the buck.

For the buck....Well I already had the TT filters so that's an easy one.
I'm sure those who purchased Inrads think they are better.

> Any and all comments welcome. I do recall someone saying they only used one
> filter and no others. Oh, one more thing and don't give me grief either.
> Can I cascade filters with the Omni-V or is that done by default when you
> hit the filter buttons.

When you hit the extra filter button, they are cascaded automatically. I
don't really like listening to cw through the extra filter unless
absoultely necessary.

> I've been trying to scan the manual so I can read and understand my rig
> fully, but its no easy job scanning that book.

If it gets really rough, take off the covers and call TT for guidance.

> tnx es 73 de Scott/n3byy
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Steve Ellington N4LQ

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