[TenTec] Scout freq change every 13 secs?
Fri, 23 Apr 99 10:05:46 CDT
>I just got a new Scout from Ten Tec, and I'm noticing that every 13
>seconds the receive frequency changes by what seems like only one
>hertz (just barely noticable), then gradually drifts back up by the
>same amount, then suddently corrects itself again 13 seconds later,
>etc. -- this cycle continues "forever" -- or at least for as long as I
>was listening.
I've had this same trouble with my VI+, but only on 10m. If you can listen
to your cw signal with another radio, you may hear that it jumps while
you're transmitting also. I initially thought it was the PLL jumping since
other people as well as myself had the same trouble with 30m. The others
on this list adjusted the 30m osc. a little bit and it cleared up. I
realize we're not talking about the same radio's, but maybe some of the
circuits are the same. TT service was not able to repair this problem in
my radio so I'm just stuck with this terrible chirpiness. If you find the
trouble, please let me know what you did to fix the problem. Maybe it will
be similar for me.
73, Rick N9THC
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